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Everything posted by Genady

  1. Not exactly. I'm saying that we do things for various reasons, and pleasure or pain are responses for our success or failure to do what we wanted.
  2. Isn't it the other way around? I.e., whatever we're determined to increase gives us pleasure when it increases, and whatever we're determined to decrease gives us pain if it doesn't decrease.
  3. As it was two days ago: https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/128859-physics-in-troubles-the-real-equation-of-force-is-f-ma-and-not-f-dpdt/?do=findComment&comment=1230793 (there is a link inside this link)
  4. If it is, at least it's short.
  5. You have misunderstood. I am not in a discussion with you. I just contributed couple of comments to the thread, but I did not refer to you in those comments, as you can check. You are free to ignore them. I am not looking forward to your reply.
  6. Well, it is more OT, but I was also tired of meeting people thinking that it's OK for their neighbors to be sick without medical insurance because they have different views on how tax dollars should be spent.
  7. Maybe it's just semantics, and in fact CWII and WWIII aren't very different.
  8. Moreover, the kinetic energy E = mv2/2 = mvv/2 = Pv/2 Since P is not conserved, E is not conserved. Tha law of energy conservation is wrong. The entire Physics must be rewritten now. How exciting.
  9. BTW, the law of momentum conservation is wrong, too. You see, as the mass of the chunk of ice goes down, its momentum goes down as well. So, the momentum is not conserved.
  10. Imagine a chuck of ice of mass m flying peacefully in space with the speed v. There are no forces, F = 0. The ice slowly melts. The momentum of the ice P = mv. Thus, dP/dt = mdv/dt + vdm/dt. So, either the chunk of ice is accelerating, or F = dP/dt is wrong. Or, I don't know what I'm talking about. Or, just maybe, I am a troll.
  11. G/h = 10number of Crocodilian species
  12. No. See Fresnel lens.
  13. (Speed of light) * (1 ns) = (1 ft) (Avogadro number) = (number of stars in the observable universe) g = (Human population in 2050)
  14. And, as I and, evidently, you know, it was Russians who defeated Germany, while allies jumped in when it got clear to them that Russian are winning.
  15. Yes, it's as much significance as you can have without committing major acts of sedition or heroism. But it only works once. After you've become part of a new community or nation, you are expected to contribute to its welfare, help shape its future. You no longer matter to the old one, but you still can matter. Only once? I think it works every day. I keep taking my money from a country A and spend it in the country B (B for Bonaire) for many years. Every time I do it, I transfer my economic activity, don't I? (Of course, I do other things also in the country where I live, for example, volunteer for the Animal Shelter, recycle, etc.)
  16. idk. I've never heard of such a parallel. AFAIK, conservation of quantum information is a consequence of unitarity of quantum system evolution. But this unitarity gets broken by an act of measurement.
  17. I don't think it is strictly so. There is always a (theoretical) observer for whom a specific piece of quantum information is still there, but for any given observer the quantum information disappears as soon as they interact with it. This is my understanding of it.
  18. Some hostile act added to the picture almost daily. Today (yesterday?) they suspended new nuclear talks...
  19. Disagree. Not slow.
  20. No Walmart here, but the situation in our stores similar. About a dime difference. (It could be double price if it were a dime vs two dimes, but it is not. About 5% difference in price.)
  21. All actions have consequences... do they? We don't know ahead if our vote will or will not have consequences, but we know afterwards. If our candidate won, our vote had consequences, otherwise it did not, I think.
  22. It has been already explained to you in various ways by various contributors in various replies in this thread. Enjoy!
  23. You say that you are considering only momentum of a rocket, but when you write P = mv, you work with the momentum of the entire system, and it does not matter what you say about it. You can insist on making the same mistake, and it will not lead you anywhere. But if it makes you happy, enjoy!
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