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Everything posted by Genady

  1. I've answered that one correctly, because I don't know much about formal grammar. So, I thought about the term, preposition. It has position in it. Aha, said I, it has something to do with space and time.
  2. No, they will not. Each one will live 80 years in their own time, technically called 'proper time'. If they mind their own business instead of comparing to other people times, they don't experience anything unusual.
  3. Mathematics IS machinery, but a tricky one. It does not show why the things are the way they are. Instead, it shows why they could not be different.
  4. @studiot St. Petersburg is 300 E and should've been 2 hours ahead of GMT if they went by 150 longitude. That was my answer on the quiz, 2 o'clock. Wrong! Their answer was 3 o'clock. It's neither time zone, nor astronomical difference. Did you notice your misattribution of the quote above?
  5. I wonder what time they referred to in 1859. The worldwide hourly time zones were established much later.
  6. I know a lot of history. Perhaps, of different parts of the world. (Domesday Book - Wikipedia)
  7. They will agree on the age of the universe in comoving reference frame.
  8. I've missed St.Petersburg time by one hour, and never heard of Doomsday Book.
  9. Yes, it started early, but is there any estimate of how many of them were needed / how long did it take to accumulate significant amount of heavy elements throughout the universe?
  10. I'd like to add that we are not latecomers to the game, considering that we evolved on a planet that exists about a third of the age of the Universe, and considering that the chemical content of the Universe was poor most of the time before that.
  11. Ah, I see. No, I don't see an obsession with the pursuit of GAI. Unlikely but plausible. About 1/millions chance. The same as any other intelligent civilization. It becomes an anthropocentrism only if one believes in it, not by suggesting it as a plausible possibility.
  12. Please, explain.
  13. Maybe. IDK. We are not closer to GAI now than we were 50 years ago. The recent advancement in AI is tangential to that direction.
  14. This is right. However, I don't see what the place of GAI in this threat is specifically. Any terrorist organization can do something like this.
  15. Thank you for all the information. Keep it coming, please. I will have what to work on after I finish the 500 pages book I'm working through now (that's on QFT).
  16. Here is an interesting plausible possibility that I didn't see mentioned yet. Given that a physically accessible part of the Universe is finite, there can be only a finite number of intelligent civilizations in it. Among this finite number of civilizations there is one which is the most scientifically and technologically advanced. Which one is it? It is plausible that we are the one.
  17. I see an important difference between this example of a low probability event and the event of intelligent aliens' invasion: we know with certainty that there are plenty of flying rocks in the Solar System.
  18. Historically, after Newtonian formulation of mechanics, alternative formulations were developed, i.e., Lagrangian and Hamiltonian. In QM, after wave mechanics, matrix mechanics was developed. In QFT, there are S-matrix and path integral formulations. Which alternative formulations of GR are known today? PS. I think, in SR the parallel examples are Einstein and Minkowski formulations.
  19. Backup like computer files? I don't think this analogy is correct. You take a backup and put it aside, hoping that you will not need it. This is nothing like reproduction. In reproduction, the previous generation is replaced by the next.
  20. Do you want to discuss a hidden meaning? Why to hide it?
  21. Refuted what? The facts? This story reads just like a fairy tale. One can write a story that develops differently. Maybe even closer to real life and real people.
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