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Everything posted by Genady

  1. What is wrong with looking down at your feet? Or anywhere else than stars? What does it have to do with work? I wouldn't recommend looking up at the stars while hitting a nail with a hammer. And regarding the last part. Life can be empty with or without work. It also can be full with or without it. Never give up work? Any work? Useless work, too? Work for a negative goal, too? Isn't the whole statement taken out of context, by any chance? Regarding your addition. Do they actually want a work or a pay?
  2. Here is a shorter proof: If q is the smallest positive number, then 1/q is the largest positive number. But there is no largest positive number because we can always add another positive number. Thus, there is no smallest positive number.
  3. In spite of the title, I didn't see anything in this thread that pertains to real numbers. All the arguments, such as non-existence of the next or the smallest numbers, equally apply to rational numbers. Ancient Greeks could discuss and resolve it.
  4. From the latest local bi-weekly: The OP picture was taken in Lagun, one if the three collection / extraction areas. So, it does not represent the situation in general.
  5. "Humanity, Post Humanity, A.I & Aliens"
  6. And it is not OT, how?
  7. Your clarifications do not make it any clearer to me. I think it is safe to say that nobody here understands what it all means. I'll be glad to hear if I'm wrong in this estimate.
  8. It is not what I called sci-fi (as I have explained above.) I call it sci-fi because it is one of millions of other possibilities, and not in any way more plausible / important / interesting than others.
  9. I think it is possible. I don't think it is quite possible. No, I do not.
  10. Well, I don't believe that 'scholars' in the past or other similar possibilities. If anything, in the past many things were considered possible, which now we think are impossible, such as perpetuum mobile for example. Advancements of knowledge show, on one hand, what is impossible, and make, on the other hand, reality of what is possible. Regarding AI, I think I've already answered above: "Life beyond our planet"? What is the question?
  11. My definition is quite standard. Science fiction Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster: No, this is not what I am confident in. I am confident that the technology, which is called AI now, will not become as intelligent as humans. If some other technology will become so intelligent, or this current technology will dominate human race without becoming intelligent, I don't have opinion on that. What you say is possible. My point is that there are so many different things which are all equally possible that any one of them has extremely low probability of actually happening. That is why I call it science fiction - one of millions of possible scenarios.
  12. What does make you sure it happened? Do you have references?
  13. Here is a guru's answer (Thorne, Kip. Black Holes & Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy (pp. 400-401):
  14. I am stuck on the very first line of your diagram, on the bottom. It says, INFORMATION GENERATION. I know information as being a quantitative measure of something, not an entity by itself. It is like saying, WIDTH GENERATION. Width of what? Information of what?
  15. I know, I know. That's why I could never be a teacher.
  16. Yes, solutions depend on local conditions. In our case, the entire windward shore, where the sargassum come to, is unpopulated. The whole population, all 22 thousand, live on the leeward side, where sargassum yet to be seen, and in the mountains.
  17. Of course not, I don't need to, I don't want to, I can't. Let them keep marching. Even if they don't go anywhere.
  18. Yes, Lorentz Jr. has already said it here: And I have already replied to it here:
  19. In Bonaire, there is no need for a fertilizer or an insulator. Just yesterday I heard from people who advocate doing nothing as a solution. They claim that, on one hand, all the work involved in collecting sargassum and cleaning the beaches damages the shoreline and costs money. On the other hand, based on experience in remote lagoons, the trapped sargassum deteriorates quite fast with our sun and wind, and the sargassum dust is just blown back to the sea.
  20. I guess I can. I don't work - let's see - about half of my life by now.
  21. Parties and wars.
  22. I gave up on answering that question as well, but for a different reason. I see this problem not as a problem of how the universe works or of logic, but a limitation of our, i.e., human, way of understanding things. This is what the biological evolution gave us for living in the world around us, our modus operandi. It did not evolve to explain the universe.
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