If they are not electrically insulated from the ground, they discharge via ground.
The other questions above would be better answered by better informed people.
I live in tropics, and we have rainy season. The rainy season is wet, but certainly not cold. I often sit under a tree and enjoy the sound and the smell of rain.
Alternatively, they could have two conductors attached, the charges redistributed by induction, and then the conductors detached, one positively and another negatively charged.
As the French language evolves, they could either stop using pronouns, or start using simpler forms of verbs. In Hebrew, for example, children and less educated adults would say, "Were you looking for me?", while a literary form is one word (achipastani?), which contains the verb, the tense, the subject, the object, and the question.
Aren't human babies hairless just as another consequence of being born too soon?
Humans are born too soon: impact on pediatric otolaryngology - PubMed (nih.gov)
Russian is like Latin, Italian, and Spanish in this respect, but it needs the pronoun in past tense. While in Hebrew you need the pronoun in present tense and don't need it in past or future. Papiamentu is like English.
I have a question about the timeline. Weren't humans hairless before they first left Eastern Africa? If they were, what was the climate there when the hair was lost?
Another question is, does fur give a significant benefit to a child? Does it make a difference in surviving childhood? Considering that human children are very fragile and dependent on adult protection in many respects compared to other mammals.
Interestingly, peoples who started putting on clothes thousands of years ago, East of Mediterranean, have more bodily hair today than peoples who didn't cover their bodies until recently, Australian, African, Amazonian tribes. (My personal observation.)
I see everything having a "notion" of self. For some things it is the only "notion" they have. A rock "knows" itself, and nothing outside itself. When you throw a rock, it "feels" itself being thrown, without a notion of an external agent by which it has been thrown. In animals, during evolution as well as during ontogenesis, this notion of self gets separated from notions of agents which are not itself. That's when a theory of mind starts.
I rather see an opposite process, i.e., the self is primary, and the rest appears first as parts of it, which then gradually separate into their own existence.
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