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Everything posted by Genady

  1. Genady


    So, people who regularly make these word substitutions, (a) never knew the proper way, (b) forgot the proper way, (c) don't care ?
  2. Genady


    But I did not. It is right here, a bit down the list:
  3. Genady


    Reading such texts causes mental dissonance sometimes. For example, you read "who think their female ..." and you mentally construct a meaning, and then comes the next word and ruins it: "who think their female enough".
  4. Genady


    As a non-native English speaker, I'd like to understand why so many native English speakers so often misuse words like their/ there/ they're?
  5. Food is an important element in building the human body.
  6. They have identical DNA, like homozygous twins, and the bodies are similar, but different. Especially, the brains. You can check many studies of homozygous twins. They help to distinguish between genetic vs. environmental effects on development.
  7. This is essentially correct. More generally, momentum is a 3-dimensional vector with a magnitude and a direction. When you sum several such vectors, you get a vector. In some frame, this final vector is 0. This is the frame we're talking about.
  8. You can consider any system of moving components in any reference frame. In any frame, the momentum of the system is a sum of momenta of the components. In some frame, this sum is 0. This is the "system's own" frame.
  9. No, it is impossible because DNA has only part of the information necessary to reconstruct the body and the brain. The other part, which is interactions with environment during development, got lost. Without this other part, you don't have enough information to reconstruct the body and the brain.
  10. A technological speed bump. Obviously, I don't have the details figured out yet. Stone age men didn't have the blueprints for jet engines either. I did not point to something that needs more details. I pointed to a mistake.
  11. Math is not real. It is above that.
  12. There are infinitely many prime numbers if a bang happened or not.
  13. I'm sorry, but where is "a reason for existence" mentioned in the OP?
  14. They are differences between reference frames, and they exist regardless of there being or not anything to perceive them.
  15. When a massive body is considered "in its own reference frame" it means in a frame where its momentum is 0.
  16. This answer to the puzzle makes me think of this sketch:
  17. I know that there are some restrictions for the first 24 hours after signing up, as anti-spammers protection. Maybe it is one of them, I don't know. Otherwise, you could message admins/moderators.
  18. This is not how DNA works. DNA does not contain information for reconstructing our bodies. The only way to use DNA to get a body is to let it go through the entire developmental process. And then, the result will depend on both DNA and the developmental environment, which surely will be different from the original. So, the "reconstructed" body will be different from the original. This includes the brain. The "reconstructed" brain will be different from the original. Thus, it will not fit the stored contents of the original brain.
  19. Hope it helps.
  20. frequency times wavelength = speed of light p = E/c = hf/c = h/l
  21. Rather, p = hv/c = h times frequency / speed of light
  22. I still don't understand the second half of the song. Why would the goat catch the dog, the cow catch the goat, and the horse catch the cow? What kind of animal behavior is this? Do they ALL have issues?
  23. That raises another question, perhaps for another thread: did the old lady have a medical condition known as Pica? Pica (disorder) - Wikipedia
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