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StringJunky last won the day on December 23 2024

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About StringJunky

  • Birthday 02/16/1962

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    Chronic autodidact, perpetual student and navel gazer

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  1. Made five coffees this morning with milk in...when I'm supposed to be fasting for a blood test. Old habits die hard.!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. CharonY


      Yes, most adverse outcomes (such as hypertension) are related to caffeine consumption.

      There are are far more studies that indicate that coffee (not caffeine) may have a range of (weak) health benefits.

    3. StringJunky


      Would you say that caffeine, when present, negates the small benefits of the other coffee components, so decaff is better if those small benefits were the desired outcome ?

    4. CharonY


      That I don't know. The mechanisms of the health benefits are not really known (and they may be confounding factors). However, a handful of studies suggest that decaff also has benefits, but it is much less studied. If you are sensitive to caffeine it could be better, though. Also detrimental effects of caffeine tend to be only short-term (such as increased blood pressure). So even significant consumption (unless we are talking massive amounts) are likely not detrimental in the long term (...

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