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StringJunky last won the day on December 23 2024

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About StringJunky

  • Birthday 02/16/1962

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    Chronic autodidact, perpetual student and navel gazer

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  1. It's hard this healthy eating lark. Everything I eat is killing me. Saturated fat is everywhere.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. StringJunky


      No. Its just that, having got rid of Hep C, I'm using the very positive emotional momentum gained from that to rid myself of two unhealthy aspects of my life; sugar and smoking. The experience from the treatment, which was pretty horrible, makes giving up those two things less of a challenge; that's my theory! Unfortunately, the treatment has left me with high cholesterol, hence my drive against the wrong fats and other contributory factors.

    3. jimmydasaint


      Thank you for sharing that with me mate. And good luck to you, of course. I am pretty much in the same cholesterol boat. However, I don't study my diet with too much scrutiny. Surely exercise and lots of it provide a way out. Eat well and vary it. Take everything you enjoy in small doses. I don't always follow my own advice but I am eating more salad as you suggested.

    4. StringJunky


      I think you and I need to tread the same diet path. Eating crap then running it off is a bit like lacing a bullet with penicillin, don't you think?

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