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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. It seems that rich people's past transgressions come home to roost in the end. The only way out is to die before it all blows up in public. Thinking of Sean Combs (Puff Daddy), Ghislaine Maxwell and many other actors and rappers, especially who are currently or recently under public and judicial scrutiny. Ultimately, people don't know when to stop being naughty until it's too late. They, mostly, didn't reach the highest echelons of society by being honest.
  2. Sorry, I forgot about that. Yes, I wore it for a while. Even though that is still ongoing, it is unfortunate that Gaza has taken the stage from it. I am heartened that the Ukrainians seem to be becoming more technologically self-reliant. That's another big issue Trump may well help make a mess of in the near future. I don't feel optimistic about geopolitics in general with him at the US helm..
  3. I know... they work together. The conflict is between Zionists and those two groups. and their respective supporters. As for the latter part, I have no clue what you are on about, I support antizionist Jew's and the existence of Palestine. If that makes me "fascist", or whatever to you, I couldn't care less.
  4. If you are on Windows, you could open the photo on your screen and then capture it with 'snipping tool' Put that in Windows Search in the taskbar. When it comes up click 'New' Then click and drag the '+' symbol over the area you want to capture. Then cllck the 'Save' icon next to "Edit in.." on the top right. The resolution will be that of the screen. I follow Naturei Karta on Facebook. They are fervent antizionists and supporters of reconciliatory dialogue between Torah-respecting Jews and Muslims.
  5. This is used in carp fishing baits. What it smells like depends on the concentration. Low concentrations are quite pleasant right up to the worst funky body smells you can imagine. I have some. It comes inside a bottle that is inside a container. If you get it on anything porous or absorbent the smell will last days. The taste is apparently sweetish. In a kilo of substrate or litre of water, starting dose would be around 10 drops for carp baits. Fish can detect it at 10 parts per billion.
  6. Trump echoes what Jared Kushner said about its development potential, IIRC. I'm in no doubt that this administration with the Israelis will push until it is a fait accompli for the Palestinians. The saddest thing is that the Islamic countries are not united behind them.
  7. Don't forget the price of eggs is going to come down. US companies all over are going to drop their prices and have lower wages so that that their "fellow Americans" can have cheaper groceries. Fuhrer Musk
  8. Thanks. So an extremely high density is necessary for this scenario, so that the physical radius is smaller than the Schwarzschild radius to allow a photon to orbit? Are their bodies in the universe that have the required mass/density properties to confine a photon to its orbit, in principle? I'm trying to get an idea of the mass/density necessary to confine a photon some uniform orbital distance from a body
  9. A photon is emitted in a vacuum some arbitrary distance above a spatially isolated spherical mass equal to Earth. The photon is emitted in a parallel direction to the surface. Will the photon orbit at the same height continuously, fall to Earth or just continue out along an increasingly flat space/geodesic?
  10. I would guess in most of his ventures he spreads himself out thinner than a wartime ration of margarine.
  11. As a severely deaf person, I don't see EV's as threat because I use my eyes anyway. People just need to learn to adapt and enjoy the relative peace of EV's. City life is too noisy. Most people seem to wear headphones and stare at their phones most of the time, so the advantage of noisy ICE's is moot anyway. If too many people get hurt, someone will find a way to mitigate it. I think, when EV's are the majority, people will eventually attune to the sound of them without the louder ICE's drowning them out. It's a temporary problem until the switchover is more advanced and EV's are the norm.
  12. Yes, I had a 2 year or so period when I'd just got my guitar and was trying every string make and type out there until I settled on Ernie Ball Earthwood bronze 11's. A guitar playing friend called me that and that was what popped up in my head when I joined here. In retrospect, I should have left it until the guitar dried out and settled down before doing that. I made it harder for myself to settle on string choice because it was changing all the time in the first two or three years. The action doesn't seem to have moved in the six years it's been away, so I presume it is settled now. To get over the self-conscious/pressure thing, I've thought of playing in front of a mirror and frequently recording/reviewing myself might settle the nerves of playing in front of others. At the end of the day, we get out of it what we want, even if it's just noodling now and again. The sound of a live guitar and feeling its vibrations is a pretty good way to meditate and get away from normal life for a while.
  13. I used it for my Mamod traction engine in the 70's. Not seen it for a long time.
  14. Is 99% IPA ok in those, or is it too volatile for that?
  15. Time is part of the making of the tone, like wine its bouquet. Also, you know that guitar and can get the sound you want out of it. With a new guitar you have to start again.
  16. I paid for it to be built. Yes's lyrics were more a medium for Anderson's voice, I think. More to evoke emotions rather than concrete concepts. I like Baroque. Here's another Bach piece on guitar by Vidovic. I prefer Julian Byzantine, but she is close.
  17. Jazz really needs to be heard in the flesh. I saw a South African Jazz pianist with double bassist, brass wind player and drummer. They seemed to meld all styles together and it was a masterclass in musicality and precision. The drummer was like a clock with swing. I'm normally into Blues, Pink Floyd, Progressive etc. Yes, I bow to their skill and the ease with which the jazz players improvise. I've just got back my deep-bodied OM after 6 years from my nephew. Its tone has matured well. It is 18 years since I had it built.
  18. It seems teabags are moving over to using polylactic acid, which is plant-based, rather than fossil fuel origins, but is still technically plastic and requires industrial methods to decompose. There is also the issue of recycled plastic being used, and the concomitant risks of contamination with fossil-based plastics. It is not ascertained whether Pthaalates are used in teabag plastics, which makes plastic materials flexible, and are known endocrine disruptors in fish. If the plastic used is recycled then its anybody's guess. I'm going to buy a teapot, thinking about it, although I am mainly a coffee drinker.
  19. You had a close shave.
  20. Wow! I was doing a landscaping job at a house and the lady owner came running out and said a plane had crashed into the WTC, then we saw the second one. We knew then it was an attack. So sad and shocking to see and hear those people crashing down onto the foyer roof from inside cameras before they collapsed. You were standing 500m from the start of the mess we see today in the Middle East.
  21. A new view angle from the twin towers tragedy, a chap just uploaded after 23 years. It's quite clear the collapse starts at the sites of impact and not a detonation at the bottom by a secret government cabal.
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