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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Another plus.
  2. Yeah, he's more technocrat and civil servant style of thinking. He's nothing like most politicians. He's actually skilled in his profession. I don't think there are enough experts in government. Maybe they are better as advisors, we'll see. He strikes me as more pragmatic in his policy decisions rather than a blinkered ideologist. If anything, it's another country drawn in to the global political conversation, which is good. It helps to show FR Americans that their country can't exist as an isolated economic island where their decisions have no effect on their neighbours and wider world. Geographic separation, means increasingly little nowadays
  3. He was Governor of the Bank of England as well, that's how I know of him. I think his term was even extended from 5 years to 7. He must have been a steady pair of hands.
  4. Do you think his extensive knowledge of financial infrastructure and awareness of the long term consequences of fiscal decisions will make him a useful person against Trump's shennanigans for Canada and its allies?
  5. Kefir seems to have the most bacteria types in it. I've got some dried inoculant to try sometime.
  6. Trustpilot reviews are very good. https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/www.voipfone.co.uk
  7. Yes. They order specific accounts to be investigated, but when the UK government spokesman, might have been Starmer, was questioned about bulk accessing data, he said words to the effect that they don't discuss operational matters in public. I think, the responsibility now lies with the user to securely encrypt before uploading to the cloud. The order given to Apple was secret and they are barred from talking about it at all. It was leaked.
  8. The main point I take from Sensei's posts is that internet security is an absolutely binary-choice scenario. No one can see, or everyone can see. Apple knows this and they will have some of the most knowledgeable geeks on the planet on their payroll. The law can either allow total privacy or none at all. It's that simple under current security protocols.
  9. This is correct in the UK. Companies are bound to hold a user's data for two years or more after deletion.
  10. As nice as that would in principle, you can't have selective encryption; it's all or nothing. That's why Apple is pulling out its opt-in advanced encryption option from the UK market. The UK government wants on-demand access by having a backdoor put in. It claims the public is protected by UK statute and needs a judges warrant to access. This is bollocks because if they want to access any device surreptitiously without a warrant, they just ask one of their, 3, 5, 9-Eyes security partners, who aren't bound by UK regulations, to do the dirty work for them. It's a sad state of affairs, but here we are.
  11. If bees are akin to neurons and the hive is the brain, is a single neuron conscious? I would say hives are nearer to consciousness than single bees.
  12. Is the time for civil rebellion approaching if the principle tenets of the Constitution are not being observed and democracy is clearly being dismantled? I suppose, the definitive trigger for me would be when no election is called and El Douche declares himself de facto King of the USA.
  13. Correlation is not causation. He's more likely where he is because so many are thick.
  14. You just reminded me of a Bob Monkhouse joke with that line. "I told them I wanted to be a comedian. They aren't laughing now"
  15. It'll be ironic if the 2nd Amendment fanatics start turning their guns on Trump and his allies eventually, when he likely turns his back on them. The 2A is, after all, intended as insurance against a tyrannical government.
  16. I was considering putting a bet on Trump getting JFK'd, but apparently it's illegal. That's you Americans personal info they are waltzing. through. All this in two weeks.
  17. It seems that rich people's past transgressions come home to roost in the end. The only way out is to die before it all blows up in public. Thinking of Sean Combs (Puff Daddy), Ghislaine Maxwell and many other actors and rappers, especially who are currently or recently under public and judicial scrutiny. Ultimately, people don't know when to stop being naughty until it's too late. They, mostly, didn't reach the highest echelons of society by being honest.
  18. Sorry, I forgot about that. Yes, I wore it for a while. Even though that is still ongoing, it is unfortunate that Gaza has taken the stage from it. I am heartened that the Ukrainians seem to be becoming more technologically self-reliant. That's another big issue Trump may well help make a mess of in the near future. I don't feel optimistic about geopolitics in general with him at the US helm..
  19. I know... they work together. The conflict is between Zionists and those two groups. and their respective supporters. As for the latter part, I have no clue what you are on about, I support antizionist Jew's and the existence of Palestine. If that makes me "fascist", or whatever to you, I couldn't care less.
  20. If you are on Windows, you could open the photo on your screen and then capture it with 'snipping tool' Put that in Windows Search in the taskbar. When it comes up click 'New' Then click and drag the '+' symbol over the area you want to capture. Then cllck the 'Save' icon next to "Edit in.." on the top right. The resolution will be that of the screen. I follow Naturei Karta on Facebook. They are fervent antizionists and supporters of reconciliatory dialogue between Torah-respecting Jews and Muslims.
  21. This is used in carp fishing baits. What it smells like depends on the concentration. Low concentrations are quite pleasant right up to the worst funky body smells you can imagine. I have some. It comes inside a bottle that is inside a container. If you get it on anything porous or absorbent the smell will last days. The taste is apparently sweetish. In a kilo of substrate or litre of water, starting dose would be around 10 drops for carp baits. Fish can detect it at 10 parts per billion.
  22. Trump echoes what Jared Kushner said about its development potential, IIRC. I'm in no doubt that this administration with the Israelis will push until it is a fait accompli for the Palestinians. The saddest thing is that the Islamic countries are not united behind them.
  23. Don't forget the price of eggs is going to come down. US companies all over are going to drop their prices and have lower wages so that that their "fellow Americans" can have cheaper groceries. Fuhrer Musk
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