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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. In the case of this chap, I agree. Also, his contrition seems genuine and the judge said as much.
  2. At least he dressed up for the part.
  3. LOL! Good one.
  4. It's an occasional opportunity to see the Moon as a sphere instead of bright flat disc.
  5. You would have thought the Russians would have learnt the lesson from the Chinese missile exercise some years ago. Some people are just thick... you can't fix stupid.
  6. I think that too. Something insidious has affected Republican politics. It's not good in large parts the world either.
  7. Putting it all together: the US was heading towards authoritarianism.
  8. He's keeping himself in the news. Peaceful, nice talk doesn't grab attention and make money... ask Google, Facebook and Twitter what conflict does for their bottom line.
  9. Why not just stand the hard drive on its edge and deform the platter with a hammer?
  10. It did cross my mind I might be spinning off. Cheers. @Phi for All Cancel culture seems to be a more weaponized form of what you describe, which is healthy protest by removing ones custom.
  11. I think this raises the issue of the paralell-running cancel culture fad that is coursing through Western societies. It has become the de facto way to deal with issues, not just this one.
  12. In his country they still have some way to go in just accepting gays... his PiS govt is anti, so it's likely a hot button issue for him and his compatriots.
  13. It will probably get worse before it gets better. Don't forget, these minorities are labelled under the same banner and have been since I can remember.... and now some of each are vocally falling out, regressing back into the traditional male-female divide.
  14. Why the timing coinciding with the advent of fusion? What makes you wonder that?
  15. How people are pursuing it to be heard may be extreme but the status itself is no more an ideology than their lesbianism. Basically, it appears that there is a schism being formed within the LGBTQ banner.
  16. For them, transgenderism is an extreme ideology. The irony is that they are promoting an ideology themselves that gender is binary. The interviewer "...campaigns against male violence and extreme transgenderism". How can transgenderism be 'extreme'? It either is or isn't.
  17. Tar, you work towards understanding the theory before trying to offer solutions. I'm surprised you are even questioning this, given how long you've been here and the evidence that has passed before you.
  18. Yes mate, I find myself in a strange position, with agreeing and disagreeing in the same thread with posters I argue with on a contentious subject. Where possible, I endeavour to follow the science. The trouble with Stock is that she holds a vocally fixed philosophical position, which is odd because she's a philosophy professor. I expect a fair degree of objective detachment from a person at that level.
  19. She's an example of the uncomfortable bedfellows that LGBQT's make that I mentioned earlier, and they are not actually as monolithic and united as the 'LGBQT' label suggests. Messy world. This is a woman kicking back about men who are invading her gender space. Science is against her. She's out of her depth and shouldn't have entered the national debate. She has been treated harshly but one should be aware of the consequences when sticking ones neck out.
  20. The Wealth Of Nations, Book II, Chapter II, p.329, para. 106. Will that result in a happier country, after all, money is only a means to an end?
  21. How does that manifest?
  22. Then why use it. If ones desire is to have a positive outcome from an encounter, it makes sense to respect their wishes. It's a non-problem that's being made into one.... who wants that.
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