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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I don't think it would become reality. We want to be friends with you, not sleep with you. :D
  2. Seen no news or suggestion of it here in the UK news sites or gossip.
  3. Could it be some sort of reference target.
  4. Bezos has laid down the gauntlet... He's just a prominent example and very clear in what he thinks and is probably representative of companies of that size. Basically, that is what the revenue authorities are up against.
  5. You could sue them for not containing "halved-cherries" (pl.)
  6. I thought I'd not sent this post and deleted it. Wasn't sure if it contributed anything meaningful... but anyway. It does not make logical sense that shareholder-run businesses will have much sense of fairness... after all, they are only there at the top because the shareholders see competitive returns on their investment. Sole owner-businesses are more likely to be more principled because they hold all the reins and can unilaterally make altruistic decisions. That can go the other way, of course, with a business run by a tyrant, but there's no chance witrh disconnected, self-interested shareholders staring at a computer screen, looking at bottom lines. This lays it out bare, the attitude, I think. I'm sure he's not unique amongst the uber-wealthy here: He's basically saying govts have got to beat him at his game.
  7. Trickle down /trickle up= win-win for the wealthy. Trickle down is BS. I like the idea that anybody earning 10 digits is taxed to a point below, so that 10-digit billionaires can't exist. Not very realizable in the US though.
  8. I'm like that with vodka, so Everclear would probably be worse.
  9. This Havana syndrome anomaly has come up again in India. Any scientist here have any hunches what spectrum might be being used? Officer accompanying CIA chief develops ‘Havana’ symptoms -AP Could sub-sonic be beamed sufficiently narrowly to pick out a narrow area in the direction of someone?
  10. Do you really need to know stress energy tensors before you can visualize curved spacetime properly?
  11. This seems an interesting paper on consanguinuity and distribution: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3419292/
  12. If one becomes inexplicably depressed , with no known current cognitive/emotional issues, either internal or external, that, would imo, probably point to a persistent endogenous or organic cause. I'm a 40 year+ on/off chronic depressive, and can experience it spontaneously, even when my life seems to be going well and basically happy in myself. Being acutely depressed over one-off life issues, such as job loss and bereavement are responses to known events... and natural. The ability to distinguish between endogenous and reactive states is likely down to assessing behaviour patterns and life events timeline. There is everything in between, of course.
  13. It's almost as if "It's not in the rules it's allowed". That's a path to more criminality and disorder. We generally act in the spirit of our laws, which are not necessarily specific, and the GOP seems to be mining into that type of subversive abuse of principles society stands on to operate with some degree of amicable consensus.
  14. Just thought I'd add that I think current methods of the GOP regarding the OP are beyond the pale.
  15. Ironically, Airbrush's flight of fancy will then appear to be true to a future observer with no prior knowledge of the earlier state.
  16. I would have thought you'd enjoy knowledgeable feedback.
  17. ... for once! :p
  18. Very good. Pat on the head, Sir! Your post heads in the direction of how my own sense of science has been emerging. It has been regularly reiterated by swansont over the years that physics is about behaviour, so we need to get rid of these 'thingies'.
  19. My undersrtanding is that if a particle is subquantum, it's 'nothing' in the sense that it can't interact with quantm-level particles of the Standard Model. They are nothing because, ordinarily, their behaviour has no quantum level consequences.
  20. Externet. You may find this BBC article of use - It's about somebody's Nigerian great grandfather who dealt in slaves with white slave traders: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-53444752 CharonY is correct in that this subject is massive and complicated... you can't tell the story with one sweep of a general brush covering 3+ centuries.
  21. It was just a descriptive to differentiate from an explosion. In inflation, there is no central point of expansion.
  22. Someone here may have an idea of the steps leading to the initiation of inflation.
  23. The process is one of all-over inflation, not a leading-edge explosion.
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