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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I think he means 'smart' is not fascist.
  2. Yes, I looked at it both ways and saw that the possible intent worked both ways. Seems like a serious Israeli faux pas to me. The AP are about the most neutral and respected news organisation anywhere.
  3. Is this some attempt on Israel's part to stifle dissemination of news in Gaza territory.... cutting the area off from reliable external information to the Gazans?
  4. I can't see why not. There all sorts variations of plants grafted together.
  5. It's far too volatile to be a currency as well. It's a game for gamblers and crooks to wash their money. I'm all for privacy in general but I don't think any money system should be untraceable and unaccountable.
  6. My guess is that the earliest clocks were sun dials and laid flat. You can walk around a sun dial.
  7. Maximum7. How many potential people are you too rejecting because you are yourself busy looking at other people? You maybe have a template in your mind of what they 'should' look like, and so you are probably missing cues from those that may be attracted to you. Keep your mind open as you travel through life with regards to people, and don't idealize.
  8. As long as there's people enthusiastic about it there's hope.
  9. Don't they only have a measurable effect when they combine briefly but individually they are sub-quantum?
  10. I got the full flu symptoms. Lasted 3 days in varying intensities of discomfort and wasn't nice.
  11. Also, it ocurred to me, what proportion of investors take leads from stock analysts? Zap said that. Have a nap!
  12. I would have thought stock price is the product of a hive mind.
  13. Well, he clearly didn't mean Copernicium. They can't even study it's properties, it's half-life is that short.
  14. The OP seems to be conflating separation speed with light speed.
  15. Interesting side effect of covid pandemic protocols:
  16. This might give you more insight into SR rules:
  17. There are two Republicans that are up for sexual exploitation of minors right now...
  18. Spider cannibalism happens in all flavours: girl eats boy, boy eats girls and babies eat mum!
  19. I've read recently that the GOP don't like the proposed infrastructure bill because there are/were elements in it that they said had nothing to do with infrastructure, like the minimum wage hike. They do have a point.
  20. So, he's wasting his time really? I also considered he might be found just by measuring the area of the disturbance and he'd be in the middle.
  21. Apparently, Putin's security messes up the GPS signal wherever he is for some distance around him.
  22. The "several hundred" is actually several thousand. A Tesla model S has 7104 cells. The other possible problem is the risk investing in large-scale recycling if the battery technology changes.
  23. Impactors in MIRVs are not allowed. The US suggested using them but Russia said no because there is no way to distinguish from a nuke and will be treated as a nuke. Rather, I should say, they can't be used under the 'conventional weapon' designation in an MIRV.
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