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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Can't please everybody. What's changed is that the mods BS detectors have got better and they act sooner.
  2. Shelf-life of capacitors: https://passive-components.eu/get-the-lowdown-on-shelf-life-and-storage-of-capacitors/
  3. Here's a chart of self-discharge rates in various capacitors. Any use?
  4. If we remove all material around the hole, does the hole still exist? The existence of the hole is contingent on that material. Holes cannot live an independent existence... it is an abstract concept. It falls in the same category as say length
  5. I think intersubjective consensus is as close we can be to being truly objective... we are all bound by our physiological limitations and the best we can do is find where our observations agree, which may include using tools.
  6. Modelled myself but had seen another member use the term as well since (ydoaps).
  7. I would call that intersubjective consensus.
  8. How about: The state of being present independent of an observer. I see a tree, which may or may not exist, but if two people see the tree, the likelihood of it existing can be confirmed.
  9. The key to freezing certain things successfully is the speed with which that process is done. Slow freezing generates much larger ice crystals than fast freezing, causing greater expansion within the cells and rupturing them, hence the commercial use of pre-immersing in nitrogen. Clarence Birdseye is the guy that learned this from inuits in Labrador and came up with a way to replicate their method commercially.
  10. Watching videos takes time and the chances are it will be a waste of time, and life, that can never be reclaimed. We do have reading skills though that we can zoom through or absorb as fast we like.
  11. Then you are not familiar with his penchant for hyperbole.
  12. "The most effort in the shortest time IN HISTORY!!!" ...as Mr Trump might say.
  13. Bon voyage, Markus. Pop in when you can.
  14. Yeah, that was what I've read, but surely the countries experts that are advising suspending it are aware of this as well... or is it more likely higher-ups in government over-riding their experts advice? More of a political thing based on fear without substantive statistical evidence, say. This feels a bit like the vaccine-causes-autism fiasco.
  15. Is the spate of clotting cases in the EU a case of false correlation due to coincidence?
  16. The last slave ship from Africa to the US was around the time he was born as well... about 1859
  17. I remember reading that and thinking the civil war wasn't that long ago.
  18. My friend, who is a uni admin head, assures me it's not just professors... they are all retarded, from lecturers upwards. I get it in the ear everytime I have a coffee with her at her house, where she's homeworking. More seriously, I would imagine their inbox is overflowing with requests.
  19. Critiques are an essential part of scientific review and should be expected when presenting a novel idea. We are not here to help you build your idea.... quite the contrary.
  20. You can't revise something in science you are not an expert in. The days of amateurs advancing physics ended over a hundred years ago. It's too hard and specialized now.
  21. So, you think your ideas, that were spawned casually, should be given the same gravitas as someone who has jumped all the educational hurdles and done diligent research spanning years/decades?
  22. They will declare use of those substances, so what is the issue? The ultimate effect on fair competition cannot be known until it is tried. Yes. You can't hypothesize the outcome, you have to try it.
  23. Trans status will be declared, so it's easy enough to monitor... and differentiate fraud. Time and research with subjects in a more hospitable environment should elucidate best practice going forward.
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