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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Ha! They aren't putting their money where their mouth is. I think for reliable archiving, discs need to be physically etched rather than alteration of a dye. as are commercially-printed disks, which I think have the data pressed into foil in a series of pits.
  2. This is true, I was just thinking of uv photon exposure. There is off-gassing as well from the media and container. Paper/cardboard should be archival quality, with no off-gassing, as well.
  3. Accelerated aging tests. I know what you are going to say next. No they don't have a Tardis. Material degradation is a function of exposure to the source. So, if you double the intensity you halve the time to reach the same state of degradation. I learnt this from reading about film and photo paper stability when silver photography was the norm.
  4. Verbatim UltraLife 4.7GB 8x Gold Archival Grade DVD-R claim 100 year life.
  5. This is the Canadian Conservation Institute's take on it: https://www.canada.ca/en/conservation-institute/services/conservation-preservation-publications/canadian-conservation-institute-notes/longevity-recordable-cds-dvds.html
  6. Thanks Ghideon, will have a read.
  7. I wonder if it's down to personal body chemistry then ?
  8. I've been wondering why synthetic-fibre clothes encourage odour-causing bacterial activity yet natural fibres less so. Is it because synthetics are warmer, owing to being hydrophobic? I would have thought hygroscopic materials would provide a more amenable environment for smelly bacteria, with holding more moisture.
  9. You are 3 inches closer than I am... I have 7 inches to go. You are 6ft, you can pull a 6'3" lady if that is what you like, without any bodily manipulation. It's an issue of your own construction because you don't want to really try. imo
  10. Wasn't cash originaly tied to physical reserves of value?
  11. When in Rome...
  12. AFAIK, Any matter, like the quantum foam, which has components less than a quantum of energy has no effect on standard model particles, so energetically it's nothing. It's the lowest level of existence.
  13. Looks like you need someone with an iPad. Just checked on my Android phone and the grey circle with a heart in it is there and I can choose to vote up and down. If you have an iPhone, have a look on that and if it's the same as the iPad, it's probably an Apple software issue.
  14. I'm on a Windows 10 laptop.
  15. Clarity comes from the most surprising places.
  16. The OP is nearly 6' 3" and I'm 5' 8"... PLEEEASE HELP ME!!! Where can I find some 7" booster shoes? Seriously, at the height the OP is, what proportion of women is he excluded from because he's "too short"? If I had the hots for a 2m woman and I had competition from a 2m man, I would still have a go because height may not be on her list of top priorities. The only way to find out is to try.
  17. Pope Francis said it well recently: "“I believe that ethically everyone should take the vaccine,” the Pope said in an interview with TV station Canale 5. “It is an ethical choice because you are gambling with your health, with your life, but you are also gambling with the lives of others.” Anti-vaxxers are about "me" and not "us".
  18. The cold in the lower US right now is springing up some unexpected ice art:
  19. One is based on consensus of many learned minds, with much math and observation, and the other is a WAG from yourself. You know the forum rules on posting in the proper science sections.
  20. This is not the speculation section
  21. The 'centre' is wherever the observer is, and every other galaxy not gravitationally bound to their galaxy moves away. The apparent velocity they move away at increases with distance and causes an increasing redshift.
  22. Quite a number of chaps seem to put women on an insurmountable pedestal. I wonder how much exposure to certain types of ads and programmes create this mindset.
  23. I have uPVC double-glazed windows that has a sliding vent at the top. If I leave the vents closed for any length of time (weeks) mould starts forming in the corners of the windows. You need some kind of localised air movement in the immediate window areas to keep drying them. Looking at persistent mould control products, I found Concrobium, which might help and is probably available your side of the pond. https://www.concrobium.com/concrobium-products/faqs/#:~:text=(Sodium Carbonate and water alone,no bleach%2C ammonia or VOCs.
  24. Exactly.
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