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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Exactly.
  2. Yes, that makes sense in the light of his post-trial comments, which seemed at odds with his voting behaviour.
  3. ... or were just trying to save their ass. Edit: Just read McConnell's post-trial comments about Trump: pretty damning. And he noted he's still liable as an ordinary citizen in a court.
  4. Looks like they are trying it on and hoping it will go away, by being dismissive.These are their only options when they don't have the moral or evidential advantage. I read today some GOP officials want to form a breakaway party. That could dilute GOP vote potential in future elections.
  5. Apparently, even Trump was impressed with their presentation, whilst deriding his own lawyers wishy-washy efforts. I imagine there's some serious internal contortions happening within the more moderate GOP senators. The Dems may not get the numbers to convict but I think it will be more than present.
  6. Try returning it to its previous state by removing the update. Look at this for methods: https://www.techradar.com/uk/how-to/how-to-uninstall-a-windows-10-update Using System Restore is another possible option.
  7. If one wants to be understood, best to speak in the language of the listener.
  8. The worst a person can say is "No".
  9. Then you'll be a fossil of your time.
  10. Time to knock it on the head.
  11. Too patient sometimes when people are just pulling stuff out of their derriere.
  12. Absolutely.
  13. I find the notion of shortselling rather distasteful because influential shortsellers can, at a whim, decide if a struggling company is going to fail or not, simply by shorting its stock. Images of vultures comes to mind. The hive mind can overwhelm institutionalised questionable practices like this. They need to get used to it. This is a new form of regulation they are probably going to have to adapt to. I remember Elon Musk going off his head because some were trying to short Tesla a couple years ago. It can be used as a tactical maneuver, which just stinks.
  14. He was in the building/utilities trades as a ground worker. It's likely that he will do it but get it inspected and signed off by an electrician.
  15. Thanks. It is for a friend who is replacing his garage and figuring out his wiring options. Would he need an RCD in the garage or would the house one be sufficient, to comply with regs?
  16. If you take a spur off the ring main to a suitable external socket on an outside wall of the house, can you spur off that to put a socket in a nearby garage? What would be a UK-compliant arrangement under current regs if that isn’t? The goal is to have a weatherproof socket on the outside wall and power to the garage, which is a few metres away. Expected power demands will be a tumble dryer, freezer on constantly, and whatever power tools are being used.
  17. That doesn't make it ideal though, but rather a case of dealing with an existing structure in the best way available in that particular scenario. It doesn't negate the validity of the soundness of the principle he presented.
  18. Look at the admiration he has expressed in the past for Putin, XI, Kim et al. I wouldn't be surprised if he would like to emulate them.
  19. I read they are worried about kickback for "disloyalty". It seems they are in a 'mob rules' situation. I've a feeling they are going to paint themselves into a corner.
  20. The bitumen is off-gassing the solvent. Just been talking to my neighbour who has done this and noted the same proble. He was using the right stuff though. He suggested painting over the bitumen with cellulose-type car paint. Apparently the paint dries off quickly and sealed in the smell. He overboarded after that but said doing the painting helped.
  21. A cult of personality pervades the party atm. I thought the insurrection might pull the more sensible GOP members out of it but, it seems, political survival matters more than 'doing the right thing'.
  22. The acid decomposes on heating to hydrogen fluoride gas, which then forms hydrofluoric acid with any moisture on your body it comes into contact with. Injuries will be as for exposure to this acid. https://ehs.princeton.edu/book/export/html/197
  23. We've already been through this with you.
  24. Looks like the GOP top brass need to impeach and ban Trump to get him out of their hair.
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