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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. AFAIK the CC was his way of preserving a static universe model, which he was comitted to at the time. His blunder was hanging on to his belief, contrary to the evidence: Hubble's work..
  2. We have actually had this conversation, maybe last year, about when the MeToo thing was kicking off.
  3. Can you reduce the uploading amount to the other peers? It sounds like excessive demand on your system trying service too many requests at once. Like Windows Update in its current guise downloads the update files whilst supplying your files to other PC's... it can create too much traffic for the system's specs.
  4. What 'unstable nothing' refers to is entities, like virtual particles, which individually have energies that are less than a quantum. For any entity to exist permanently it must at least have a quantum of energy. Sometimes, virtual particles interact and combine to have enough energy to exist, but only for a very brief time before annhilating back to the state where they aren't measurable i.e they effectively don''t exist... that is the 'nothing' part, and the fact that they pop in and out is the 'unstable' part. So, there is a quasi-state between nothing and something. That is the vacuum field or foam, depending on which theory one is using.
  5. Here's a link for the direct download of it's user manual: PDF
  6. No, the chances of matter orientating again to the configuration that is you is zilch.
  7. A case for a secret ballot in impeachment proceedings, maybe?
  8. If anything, it will be heat if you drain the battery a lot, amplified by being in a constricted spot next to ones testicles. Shoving a freshly cooked baked potato in your trousers pocket will have the same effect.... only quicker!
  9. Let's face it, they don't want to pay taxes; witness the myriad , labrynthine shell companies on offshore 'tax-friendly' islands that rich individuals and companies put together.
  10. "Trickle-down economics" should be consigned to the Reagan-Thatcher era... and left there. Billionaires didn't get rich by being generous and fair.
  11. In part, one might be like this as a subconscious strategy to avoid personal responsibility for the direction ones life has taken. I would hazard a guess that '"Deep State" conspiracies are borne from such inner musings. A feeling of having no control over ones destiny.
  12. Why not just stop thinking about it and say "It is out of my hands and what will be, will be." That's pretty much how I handle anxieties that I feel I have no control over.
  13. Worrying about unanswerable futures is a waste of the present, and that is the only part that matters.
  14. Maybe one of the more knowledgeable folks can say if there are any theories on that.
  15. You are making an error in thinking there is a distinct place/space/volume where universes are born, in this case the quantum foam. The quantum foam is 'the universe'.
  16. Good point. I forgot the two ideas are from different theories.... 'Foam' is an attempt at quantization. Cheers MigL. I forgot.
  17. Are the Einstein vacuum and quantum foam the same thing, or is the vacuum a lower level of existence?
  18. I think he is speaking from a Trumpite's perspective.
  19. If it's new, it's probably because it has no scratches or marks on it to to disperse light in random directions.
  20. OP: They will find outlets somewhere. That cohort is a significant fraction of nearly half of the US voting population.
  21. The House is considering 'inciting insurrection' for Trump, and the legal authorities, 'sedition' for the invading protesters. The penalties , respectively is a fine, ten years and being disallowed from holding any office, and a fine and 20 years for the protesters.
  22. I think, given how close the 20th is, that door is best left closed. I can't handle any more excitement this side of the pond.
  23. Maybe he knows Trump and his allies will ask him to pardon him.
  24. I hope that there will be a bipartisan analysis of what can be learned and what remedies are needed to prevent the accession of the next dictator-type. If nothing is done they may well exploit those known weak points and actually succeed.
  25. Facebook and Instagram have suspended his account for the rest of his term. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-usa-election-facebook/facebook-instagram-to-block-trumps-account-for-rest-of-his-presidential-term-idUKKBN29C29M
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