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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. From what I've been reading, this is just posturing to play to his base that he's still fighting.
  2. It's been archived here to read and download: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/23899#page/11/mode/1up
  3. Left-sided molecules can't react with right-side-compatible molecules... they don't 'fit'. If the body uses molecules with only one chirality for some process, the other won't work with it.
  4. No problem, I wish for her no worries and a happy outcome. Most drugs have side effects, some bad, but whether they are a risk or relevant to your aunt only a medical professional, with her records in their hands, can properly assess her situation.
  5. Also, gender attraction is not all or nothing.
  6. Her doctor is the best person to speak about her concerns as they will have the correct information specific to her circumstances.
  7. This is true: they might be 'helping' him turn into a 'normal' person,
  8. @CharonY Will likely have more info on the feasibility of culturing yourself. Yes, I was thinking of the standard powders.
  9. All the ingredients will be dry. The microoorganisms will be pre-cultured and collected in spore form then added to fulvic/humic acid-containing powders and seaweed powder (Ascophyllum notatum is commonly used). When you add moisture and warmth the spores will activate and feed on the seaweed.
  10. Whatever the cause, your sexuality is you. Do you socialise with gay people? I asked this earlier, because if you aren't, then you are reinforcing your sense of isolation and feeling 'different'. Once you move around in compatible circles, you should start to feel more comfortable being in your own skin and more likely to like yourself as you are.
  11. Do you socialise with gay people?
  12. Was George Michael or Freddy Mercury ugly?
  13. The issues with valium withdrawal will be confusing your outlook and self-image, so dealing with those as well will be very difficult, with that messing it up.. Go and see your doctor and see what support you can get. A second opinion by professionals should make things clearer and hopefully give you a guided pathway to getting on top of your real issues with yourself.
  14. The tradition in a given society mostly dictates what is considered normal and there can be tendencies towards a negative reaction if that society has strong views different to your own vision of yourself. Societies generally accepting that we are not binary in sexuality or gender identity is a still work in progress, and you are probably feeling the effects of the work still yet to do.
  15. Yes, I was thinking of the pending legal matters and debt. It strikes me as a serious folly to go for such a public position when one knows that one has such a complicated and dubious past record.
  16. Trump's actions seem consistent with that of a person in fear of his future once his presidential immunity lapses.
  17. Yes. The obvious solution to 'lengthening' ones life is to keep it interesting and regularly diverge from routine where one can.
  18. The more mundane your life is, the faster time flows because, apparently, one uses significant life events as markers and tend to forget ther mundane stuff in between. This gives the impression that the 'significant' events seem like they happened sooner than they did. In very young children, days are subjectively long because they are filled with new experiences every day, so their memory is filled with memorable events, giving them the impression time is 'slow'. If that makes any sense.
  19. Right-leaning Democrats, 'right' as in within the Democratic spectrum, that are Pro-Big Business, may seek to undermine aspiring progressive policies from the left of the party.
  20. Yes, I was too.
  21. The background in the instrument's field of view, outside/around the measured object, will increasingly influence the target reading as you step back... it doesn't just 'see' the area occupied by the target..
  22. Why is it obvious? My feeling is they won because they didn't message too far to the left, given how close the races were, Sanders in this this race instead of Biden would have been a straigghtforward win for the GOP..Another thing is, Ocasio-Cortez'-types wishes are probably dead in the water, given the likely layout of the Senate. The results don't seem amenable to a future progressive agenda. Just imo, of course.
  23. Trump will be 'delighted' to have his two favourite people flanking him on the WH wall.
  24. Different regions of the UK were invaded/ influenced by different nationalities throughout history to various degrees, so any words adopted from another region would be adapted to the local vernacular. Say, if a French-originating word got up to the North East UK, then it would be adapted to the Scandanavian influence , which woud be prevalent there
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