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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. It speaks volumes that McConnell won't visit the White House as to the lack of coherent covid protocols within this administration.
  2. WRT: with respect to. As to your question, I don't really know. Depends if your belief is based on objective data or intuition. That falls within the scope of the 'Determinism vs Non- Determinism' argument, I'm thinking.
  3. Yes, a language is a library of small ideas that can be joined to make larger, more complex ideas, which will be internally consisent to those native to it. Everything is ultimately just information. This can go off on all sorts of tangents. WRT science, which is probably what's irritating you, words that are keywords in science have a meaning that has been defined by consensus within a given discipline, and one is not allowed to change those meanings because it creates confusion. If one wishes to present a new idea/phenonmena, it has to be done using words that are not already taken.
  4. @John Cuthber see above
  5. But in those countries people were ordered what to do by default. Authoritarianism can do that.
  6. It's just been rolled out here and one of my friends echoed the same thought today.
  7. Isn't it because they've never had to implement it before, the basic infrastructure's not there, nor even the software until too late.
  8. The site must have had a hiccup when we tried it before. This is Slash with Lenny Kravitz
  9. Yes, Trump's passing would allow the GOP to reboot its message.
  10. You used to just paste the YT link in the editor but it's not working my end.
  11. This is a non-abrasive way to do it but you might consider taking it to a jeweller's considering it's an important piece to you. http://blog.teachersource.com/2014/01/18/chemistry-of-tarnished-silver/
  12. iNow posted this from an expert on these matters: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/10/02/were-final-stages-presidential-election-what-happens-if-candidate-withdraws-or-dies/
  13. Reading in the comments, it appears Pence could be Pres until Inauguration Day.
  14. It could swing it any way.... it ain't over 'til it's over. It could be seen as a 'deep state' plot to knobble their man by Antifa. Would Pence be the nominee if Trump is out of it?
  15. Empathy would likely suffer, putting ones needs before others.
  16. The ability to disrupt and distract?
  17. From AP. For the next debates they are considering:
  18. Would you consider David Attenborough too old at 94? He's still sharp and knocking out programmes. Ginsberg at 87 on the SC. Chronological age doesn't mean much.
  19. It was on too late for me. I read the AP News reeport just now. He ran true to type then. He epitomizes the saying: never argue with an an idiot because he'll beat you down with experience.
  20. Yes, I've noticed that way too on a laptop I had.
  21. I think it's quite involved analysing the state of batteries. I use lithium car battery cells for torches and vaping and have about ten of them, all bought about 3 years ago. As StudioT noted, charging takes increasingly longer until they will be on charge indefinitely, which means they've died. About 4 have failed now. These are high quality Samsungs. If you are noticing increased charge time and shorter runtime, it's time to renew. Battery University will educate you if you wish to get into the nuts and bolts. Look through the lithium-ion sections. https://batteryuniversity.com/learn/
  22. I think a realistic service life for a regularly used Li-ion device is 2-3 years.
  23. Pelosi's brought that up. Is this a leak by IRS personnel, do you think?
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