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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Does this hold water? Space is a function of what's in it otherwise it can't exist... a bit like energy can't exist on its own because it's e a function of something.
  2. Looks like the Republicans are trying to set up mail-in voting to fail:
  3. Here's a few current confirmed cases trends I picked out from John Hopkins data site: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 UK Columbia Germany China India US
  4. Because if you do they'll beat you with experience!
  5. Yes, I don't think there is a trick he isn't going to pull.
  6. He's going to try and mess up this election, I think.
  7. How are scientists delusional when they will reject any established idea in the face of new evidence? Nothing they do is written in stone. Your narcissism is showing through with thinking if you can't comprehend something, nobody can.
  8. Even if you don't progress much further than now, you've done very well for being self-taught and your ability to relate what you know is excellent.
  9. Picture yourself on a rock in empty space - you can see nothing until you see me sitting on a rock coming towards you. In my frame you are moving and I'm motionless. Who is correct?
  10. He would have known who was who had he been sincere.
  11. I got a "I made that up just to please people" vibe. Sincerity would have avoided that mistake.
  12. The forum's default 'live' activity view can give a skewed impression of its overall type of subject activity, particularly if there's a lot going on in one thread.
  13. Google's the same in dishing out what they want you to see. They have both become pernicious entities.
  14. You can ask questions about what you don't know. It's the same with any subject that's evidence-based. If you don't know anything you can't add anything useful to a body of knowledge.
  15. I don't think you can expect a street bobby to wear two hats, where they are expected to be friendly and calm one minute then in possible kill-mode the next. The dynamics are too much. It needs to be separated, I think.
  16. Yes. It is also as though some think it has an autonomous existence.
  17. He's POTUS. I would call that rather excellent, especially when you consider the amount of crap he has under his carpet that he came in with..
  18. Do you think it would be better if there is an Armed Fast Response Unit that deals with situations with firearms in? I'm not saying US cops shouldn't be armed but that , by default, they don't deal with armed situations unless they have to. ARU's are generally in a constant state of readiness and training. They are picked for their attitude for such scenarios as well.
  19. He's a conman par excellence.
  20. Why do people overthink time when it is merely another parameter of the universe?
  21. If one useful thing has come out of this, it is that everyone can now see the weaknesses in the protections of the constitution against authoritarianism. I am somewhat heartened that the Republican SC judges don't always go down the purely partisan route and precedent still means something.
  22. Well, he needs to bury a lot of bad news back home.
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