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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Everything he says seems to be with an eye on November.
  2. It's been a long time since I've seen a burette.... clearly, I've forgotten.
  3. How is this a zero error since his error is not due to an inaccurate zero. He's just slapdash. If his apparatus zero point is correct, he has the potential to measure correctly. It's his upper bound that is inaccurate not the zero point.
  4. The example I read about was due to parallax error as an example.
  5. 'Zero error' is the degree of error at the zero mark. Does that agree with the statement you posted?
  6. Aren't you all glad that you found science as an interest/vocation? We could all easily be victims to this kind of BS if we didn't know the science basics.
  7. Whatever the quality of an argument and evidence, it's down to the reader to corroborate it. You can lead a person to a book but you can't make them think.
  8. Here's the rebuttal: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/dont-fall-prey-to-scaremongering-about-5g/ This author is a physicist and cancer researcher at Oxford university. Note that both our links are opinion pieces.
  9. It's normal in the intestinal tract. Maybe somebody else will chime in.
  10. He should refer you to someone that does know. There's nobody here that can offer medical advice.
  11. Right, ok. What causes that? Is that an effect of the virus nullifying it?
  12. Is the short immunity due to pretty rapid frequency of mutation?
  13. One of the things I look for in choosing a politician is gravitas; both Powell and Rice had it in spades.
  14. Condy for prez!
  15. Could it not be that your headaches were a symptom of caffeine withdrawal and, of course, consumption will remove it? I reduced my consumption and the headaches were really quite painful when withdrawing. Decaff for me now, which is about 90% reduction. Caffeine is mainly thought of as a vasoconstrictor, I think.
  16. Yes. All that gender stuff seems weird as an English speaker. I also found it interesting that contrary to my original assumption, it wasn't the gentrified languages that permeated the masses but Scandanavian ones who actually mixed with the natives of the day.
  17. I found this article (quite long) how English mangled it's way to where it is now: https://erenow.net/common/our-magnificent-bastard-tongue/3.php
  18. I think French might formally prescribed (single nucleus) as well and has an authoritative body managing it.
  19. Given that English is the bastard product of at least four distinct languages, how can there be strict rules? There are rules if one understands the etymology of a style or word, say latin.
  20. When people say "Well, the dictionary says..." they obviously don't realize that a modern dictionary is a contemporary record of usage and not an authority. The people at large determine the usage in any given period.
  21. In commercial cereals,wheat, barley etc. You have: B1 - This is the purest strain of seed, which is bred from the original parents. This is used to make C1, which is what farmers buy to make seed that can produce more seed, which will be C2. When C2 is planted, this makes C3, C3 is the end of the line and consumed. Planting C3 will result in too many variations and not true to the original design.
  22. Temperature is average kinetic motion. I would think the kinetic motion, and therefore temperature, in a singularity or extremely compressed state would be next to zero. The moment of inflation would be the highest point of temperature once the constituents could move or vibrate, then it cooled with expansion.
  23. This is your opinion. Stop talking like it's fact. This is a discussion forum not a bleeding hearts forum, so quit with the "passion". When the heart gets involved, cleared eyed discussion goes out of the window.
  24. It's so easy these days of the internet to find stuff that agrees with one. Love your dismissive tone...nicely objective and dispassionate <sarcasm>
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