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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. It's time for the rubber to hit the road.
  2. Yes, weaponizing is a problem but the absence of that data precludes any moves towards conceiving a solution.
  3. But if that approach doesn't get the desired results then singling out demographics may be necessary. Studying statistics is what gives the information. It's not the statistics that's the problem, it's who is using them.
  4. Hallelujah! He got something right.
  5. Reminded of this 1978 song by Rush: There is unrest in the Forest There is trouble with the trees For the Maples want more sunlight And the Oaks ignore their pleas. The trouble with the Maples (And they’re quite convinced they’re right) They say the Oaks are just too lofty And they grab up all the light But the Oaks can’t help their feelings If they like the way they’re made And they wonder why the Maples Can’t be happy in their shade? There is trouble in the Forest And the creatures all have fled As the Maples scream ‘Oppression!’ And the Oaks, just shake their heads So the Maples formed a Union And demanded equal rights ‘The Oaks are just too greedy We will make them give us light’ Now there’s no more Oak oppression For they passed a noble law And the trees are all kept equal By hatchet, Axe, And saw…
  6. Exactly like Trump wants to do now. I wasn't aware of this about the origins of US policing. This should be taught to US children in school because they are tomorrow's lawmakers. That's where the seeds of change need to be planted. I think it takes about 50 years for things to change, when those children become tomorrow's leaders. The people with the old attitudes need to fade away and die off.
  7. So, it got started on the wrong foot and for the wrong reasons, the echoes of the original motivation which still exist today?
  8. That is the 'Me' part of America. "Ask not what I can do for my country but what my country can do for me". Apologies to JFK.
  9. Those are the words and thoughts of presidential material. It starkly illustrates, with iNow's post, how unqualified Trump is for his current position.
  10. Why would would you expect scientists to answer politically loaded questions... that was Boris's job?
  11. How do you know that they didn't ask him beforehand to keep them out of the politics? I'm sure we'll get to hear their view when they are no longer in their current jobs.
  12. Boris does have a point there. It wouldn't be a good precedent for them to be involved in a mainly political matter. They would lose their neutrality. The police have given their view and that's the most important. Plus we can make our own judgement. I don't think Cummings will be around by years end.
  13. Is a website a democracy? SFN isn't, so why should anywhere else that is privately owned be?
  14. There are no particles, there are only fields - Art Hobson. https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1204/1204.4616.pdf
  15. I learnt something too.
  16. Cheers. 'Basicity' is the missing word needed to differentiate.
  17. I'm sure studiot or John Cuthber can give you the low down on that. I know what you mean but my formal chemistry is not up to it. Fwiw it seems to me it's not just about hydroxyl (OH-) ions but having other alkaline species - anions - as well that buffer. Buffers regulate pH rather than just work in one direction.
  18. It aroused my curiosity, and it seems the alkaline part is a separate buffer to the acid component, which stops the pH wandering and causing damage to the pool, apparently. https://blog.intheswim.com/pool-ph-alkalinity-tips-for-pool-owners/
  19. Found this interesting experiment on viral spreading. This video shouldn't be seen as how much virus is spread but what people touch.
  20. That would be very funny if so many people hadn't died. If you've thought of it, I wouldn't be surprised if some graduate looks to see if there's any correlation in the future.
  21. This is argument from authority in all its glory. There's going to be some pretty embarrassed bigwigs when all this is over.
  22. Can you believe they and others actually listened to a twit?
  23. Thje universe is one; the mind arbitrarily distinguishes parts.
  24. No-return mechanism
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