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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. swansonT once mentioned about nuclear decay, where nothing happens then it decays. Time must have elapsed to go from one state to the next, regardless of how long it takes and when...iirc. Time is a continuum, smooth, so scientists have to use a periodic reference to count it. In that sense, I think it would be safe to say "In order for us to count time we need something that periodically changes, but it is not a prerequisite for time to exist" A periodic process is subject to time, but is not time itself.
  2. When we discuss this subject, I always assume you guy's know which side I'm on. It is my fervent hope that the GOP are kept away from leading at least until Trump and his closest acolytes are dead or neutered. It is my opinion that Biden is no longer fit to lead and he needs to bow down with dignity and let Harris, or some other Dem, take reins at the next election. Indeed, we should have been having this conversation some time ago, but the people surrounding Biden have, it seems, been covering up his problems right up until this debate revealed his real state of mind. I don't think it's a blip.
  3. By who? People on his side of the partisan divide don't appear to want him and the clamour is increasing. They want to win the election. Today's AP:
  4. As was said earlier: 'water is wet with Trump'. One doesn't expect it with Biden. It's the swing voters that make the difference and obvious advancing senility could swing it against the Dems.
  5. Yep. Like electrons, people default to the lowest available energy level, or, one could say people move and think in the path of least resistance.
  6. Incorrect. Roger is zapping all over the world standing up for Palestinians and arguing with everyone who will argue with him. He looks bllxed in quite a few vids and has said as much, after flying to yet another protest or interview. He travels in the most "opulent" ways. This is not just a one-off image:
  7. Regarding packing the court. More members should restrict/stabilize how far the partisan needle swings from side to side. When someone retires or dies, the adverse effect on decision making would be reduced. If the Dems took it to 13, that would give them a majority. This is what I mean about 'gloves off' that I mentioned earlier. It can't be done this session though.
  8. Listening to Roger Waters, who's eighty, argue with Piers Morgan last night shows a distinct contrast in demeanor and mental acuity between the two. Roger is still very sharp, commanding and assertive. He certainly kept Morgan on his toes.
  9. Packing the court isn't such a bad idea now, is it? I think it may be 'gloves off' time and start using every legal lever to keep the GOP down until they change course. All I'm seeing now is a slimy bunch of grifters, Even the UK Tories are starting to embrace the GOP ideas... yuk!
  10. I think it's a bit daft for the GOP and SC majority to show their devious hand before the election and actually winning.
  11. Yep. It feels like the SC majority are now becoming more naked and proactive in their support of the GOP by bending or obfuscating the interpretations of the Constitution to support them and Trump in the long term.
  12. Do people think having Trump's fraud sentencing delayed until September might be a good a thing and bad for Trump and GOP because it will more likely to be to the fore in voters minds come November?
  13. The beginning...
  14. I think getting them to rethink the ruling by Biden doing something out of his normal professional ballpark that reflects the potential scope of the new law and what the GOP are doing and setting up for. It could deflect their plans. A plan such as this Intercept article suggests.
  15. Or into neuroplastically regenerating my auditory nerves, so that I and others can hear properly. 62 years and I'm still waiting. People think like there's just like one pot of money.
  16. Time is like mass, length velocity; a parameter or dimension. Seconds exist as much as kilograms do. If one precisely measures the time elapsed from the frame of two objects moving with different but constant velocity, they will not be the same. Because there is a measurable difference, one can conclude time is physical and real. That which can be measured exists.
  17. Why is there so many failures occurring at launch presently if that was the case? All that elementary launch stuff would be nailed down pat by now if there had been continuity and recorded. SpaceX et al wouldn't be doing the mistakes that they are.
  18. As I've just mentioned, the Apollo program is an object lesson of what happens when continuity of development and experienced people is lost. It is impossible to record every single little bit of critical knowledge and techniques that is contained within experts minds from any given period.
  19. Yes. This is like the space program after the Apollo missions were ended. The momentum and skills were lost.
  20. Pride comes before a fall. He clearly has no sense of realistic personal insight. He's just soldiering on regardless.
  21. Jill Biden uses Biden's long experience as a defence as well, it seems. Experience is no good if one can't draw from it in his job, on demand and in short order.
  22. People are now going to be laser-focused on everything he says and does. Sometimes a spade is a spade. WYSIWYG is applying here.
  23. You are looking at it the wrong way. Biden is not the only option. Nobody here wants Trump to win, so, in order to increase the chances of that nightmare not happening, the Dems need a new candidate. Yes, Biden's record has been fine, but on its own does not qualify him to carry on if some of those attributes are disappearing before everyone's eyes. Nothing and no one lasts forever in one piece. So it is with Biden. C'est la vie. I honestly don't believe the core of this situation is propaganda in this case, but the longer Biden carries on now, the less chance there is of turning things around before November. The snowball of concern has been pushed and will only get bigger.
  24. If the result is close as expected, the swing voters/floaters could push Trump over the finishing line.
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