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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. The Ca figure is available calcium and the Ca0 figure is alkalinity/pH raising ability expressed as % of CaO. When you look at typical fertiliser analyses the numbers don't usually add up to 100% because those components listed is not all that is in the bag. There is usually filler - which is not mentioned by convention - which makes up the remainder.. So, an NPK of 20:20:20 is 60% listed ingredients plus 40% filler. The higher the numbers, the higher the concentration. It's not in every application that you want the strongest fertilisers, hence the varying amounts between products.
  2. The general idea on the public wearing masks in the UK is to keep the virus in rather than out. This is what the Japanese have done for a long time when they are ill.
  3. We are all here to amuse ourselves. You know where the exit is.
  4. @hypervalent_iodine Ok. No problem.
  5. Why do you think this? (bolded part)
  6. A viable new theory agrees with current theory to the point where the current theory loses viability or where it has nothing to say, then extends beyond it.
  7. Look on the left side of the wiki pages and you will see a 'Languages' section. Choose yours.
  8. Here's an overview of the Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis concept: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6882070/
  9. I have noted the bolded for when I replace mine. Cheers.
  10. Well, it's a potential mistake they need not do again.
  11. So, one who lists their qualifications cannot be pretending? Found this. Have a look:
  12. Look at it like this: does the obvious (that she's a woman) need to be stated?
  13. Yes, tone down the contrast please, it hurts my eyes.
  14. Playing the 'woman' card is a vote loser in my opinion because it only preaches to the choir and potentially alienates the male floaters and skeptics in the available electorate. People aren't much interested in what you are but what you are going to do.
  15. I feel she was trying to find a middle road, which actually probably conflicted with her. She did want to stay in.
  16. In war... nice side-track. In international sports. In any situation where it may gel a country together in the face of adversity. The salient part is what Theresa meant.
  17. Do you spec out the bits you want and get them made if they aren't off the shelf?
  18. I think you'll only register uva.
  19. I think so too. They are fantasists and liars with an overarching agenda to hold on to power. John threw in a false association to try and make a, to me, spurious connection. This is the problem when one sits firmly somewhere on the political spectrum: we become prone to confirmation bias and look for things to support our agenda.
  20. At least she's not holding to that principle when it causes a problem. It's called 'pragmatism'.
  21. You took what she was referring to totally out of context. I see no hypocrisy. Two different areas of application. Read this properly and what she's referring to: "Nationalism is no ally in this battle without borders" She's referring to disease and how it is indiscriminately crossing international boundaries. Nationalism is impotent in this case.
  22. Yes, the WH wants to control the narrative... like several countries elsewhere.
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