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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Ignorance, probably.
  2. It's a figure of speech, with the analogy of a 'fog' being that which obscures what we want to know. It's a metaphor for ignorance.
  3. IQ tests were originally devised for people with compromised cognitive ability, for whatever reason, to assess what they could do and not do, to assess their future needs. They were not intended to assess the able-minded person. At best, they test for particular cognitive skill sets and really only tell you how good a person is at doing the specific tests. Being 'clever' depends on the task at hand and one can only be labelled such for that specific range of tasks. Nobody, I can think of, is clever at everything.
  4. I think the main problem is the Supreme Court, as a part of checks and balances, has a partisan foundation. It needs to be, in principle, apolitical in its composition and, therefore, judgements.
  5. I don't think it's an inherent problem with the CDC, it's been ok until now, it's a problem of White House administration overreach. It's just one more symptom of this administration's apparent desire to to corrupt the machinery of governance and oversight to their own ends.
  6. The visualization problem is the same as infinitely big. At the end of the day, it's a problem with the model in question.
  7. Picture yourself travelling between two intersecting lines and yourself getting smaller in proportion as the lines get closer. When will you reach the end?
  8. But you said: What is the dimension of a point at the apex? Vanishingly small. It is not zero.
  9. Infinitely small = Vanishing spatial extension.
  10. I'd never have believed it. It is really sad for America that your hunch was correct.
  11. Yes, if something's not falsifiable it can never conclude satisfactorily. Because there is no opportunity of proving it wrong with a null hypothesis, it cannot be discussed scientifically.
  12. The BBT is a consequence of extrapolating the cosmological expansion in reverse and it is what General Relativity describes but it loses validity as you approach the zero point. Basically, it's a limit of scientific knowledge and GR and not an actual boundary.
  13. Someone should tell Trump: https://twitter.com/i/status/1246556219311079425
  14. Yes, reading those it would seem, being a cheerleader, he is causing more problems than solving.
  15. Is this because Trump is promoting it without foundation but has influence in what they look at?
  16. This is swansont's thread. You are hijacking.
  17. Transferring that signal to your brain first for reflection? Yes.
  18. Yes, I think one could go down that road with it. Counter-instinctual behaviour supports it, I think. Yes, I think it's part of their self-discipline training.
  19. Yes. I said: "You can choose not to act on it". You don't have to physically freak out, following with some random action that may be more dangerous than the threat. I like bats but that one was initially just a shadow with no apparent cause... like a ghost.
  20. You can choose not to act on it. I had a bat in my living room once. It was flying around so fast I couldn't focus on what the issue was... just pure fear. I pulled a coat or something my head, sat on the floor and waited to calm down. I eventually saw it and realized it was more spooked than I was. I watched it for a bit until it went into the fold of a curtain. I coaxed it into a bucket with a book then let it fly off from the window.
  21. They can keep other insects down in ones property. All I see is spiders and something must be around in the house to keep them going... wood lice, earwigs, flies and stuff like that
  22. For the current disease it's uncertain: Yes, that idea is interesting concerning filtering.
  23. But doesn't have to be a secondary infection.
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