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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. On the subject of dose, I saw this recent paper that suggests the severity of the outcome may be tied to initial viral load:
  2. Could it be East Germans are more likely to snitch on their neighbours and so there's more paranoia there?? Your post reminded of this Reuters article I read today: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-germany-denunciati/germans-snitch-on-neighbours-flouting-virus-rules-in-echo-of-the-stasi-past-idUSKBN21K2PB It's a WAG on my part but it seems plausible in a casual way.
  3. Because he wants to know. People ask stuff because they want to know.
  4. Covid-19 is the disease and sars-cov-2 is the virus.
  5. It sounds like a creationist argument.
  6. As does any person that understands the current science. Spermatozoa and ova are not 'individuals' in the commonly used sense.
  7. You are endowing entities with a property which don't have the equipment to support it. Their behaviour will be wholly biochemically predetermined.
  8. Ancient air pollution, trapped in ice, reveals new details about life and death in 12th Century Britain. In a study, scientists have found traces of lead, transported on the winds from British mines that operated in the late 1100s. Air pollution from lead in this time period was as bad as during the industrial revolution centuries later. The pollution also sheds light on a notorious murder of the medieval era; the killing of Thomas Becket. Becket, though, had other plans. Henry's growing irritation with his Archbishop led the King to reportedly utter the infamous phrase: "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?" Unfortunately for Becket, a group of knights loyal to the King decided to make Henry's wish come true. Becket was beheaded in a brutal attack at Canterbury cathedral on 29 December 1170. Now scientists have found physical evidence of the impact of the dispute between Henry and Becket in a 72-metre-long ice core, retrieved from the Colle Gnifetti glacier in the Swiss-Italian Alps. In the same way that trees detail their growth in annual rings, so glaciers compact a record of the chemical composition of the air, trapped in bubbles in the yearly build-up of ice...... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-52095694
  9. Practice and let neuroplasticity do the rest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroplasticity
  10. The trick is not to buy one too big. I'm not freezing stuff for when Armageddon comes.
  11. Besides pro astronomers on the case, I'm sure there's plenty of keen amateurs interested in them as well. It would be impossible to put a plug on it. Not that I think NASA or ESA would suppress anything. They are scientists, not politicians.
  12. I think it's human nature to blame something about oneself that can't be changed for ones lack of progress in some aspect. I gave my deafness more weight than it deserved, in hindsight.
  13. Yes, evolution will do its thing.
  14. No, they knew what they were getting into and don't ignore the problem.
  15. Yes, it's the same mentality that builds on eroding coastlines.
  16. As I'm sure you've read on here many times: "That which has no evidence can be dismissed without evidence". This is the problem when one holds an arbitrary belief in the existence of something: it causes one to selectively avoid facts in order to support it.
  17. Agree. As far as I'm concerned, he designs lifestyle products and is not an inventor per se.
  18. Considering how China was, it is a lot more transparent now and needs to progress at its own rate. I'm sure that regime will change it, if it's feasible to them, in time.
  19. Tha's how I would it if I was doing that sort of thing and try to find keywords that are as unique to my query as possible to aid filtering. If a research area has a specific 'lingo' it might help to use those as keywords as well.
  20. You can't make absolute statements like this. It only takes one counterexample to show it's wrong. It's like saying "All swans are white"
  21. Put a pattern/scribble on a piece of paper on the mat and see how it works. They detect contrast; differences in tone.... the greater that difference the better.
  22. Here's a link to the pdf: http://www.healthdata.org/sites/default/files/files/research_articles/2020/covid_paper_MEDRXIV-2020-043752v1-Murray.pdf The prediction doesn't tally well with Trump saying that things will be easier at Easter and they all can start going back to work.
  23. I made a custom stream with all the subjects I'm interested in and then saved the stream's url as a bookmark on my bookmarks bar.
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