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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Yes, if they are left through the winter the job should be done... assuming they are still available in the spring. Some seeds need moisture from planting before freezing.
  2. You could check with one or all of these terms if they need a process called 'pre-chilling', 'stratifying' or 'vernalizing' to break dormancy. The time required varies. Just Google a plant and see if they require it It could mean up to 8 weeks in the fridge. Instructions vary between plants. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vernalization Seeds become less viable over time as well, depending on storage conditions
  3. Distribution of age groups will be one. Healthcare availability.
  4. I'm thinking of an ultimate, average, projected mortality rate of 1%. The time it takes for each national epidemic to finish may be determined by the transmission rate. Point being that the actual mortality rate is fluid until it's over... you can't say whether one country's death rate is higher than another because that's down to how data is collected in each area. What you are seeing is apparent rates in the moment. A bit like reviewing a football match before it's finished.
  5. Part of it will be timing as they will be on different parts of the transmission trajectory. Another might be the customary level of social contact.
  6. You are not too bad then.
  7. Would prepping rooms with an ozonator be any good for disinfecting rooms before admitting vulnerable people? I know it's not safe whilst in use.
  8. See if you can find someone with a safe one to show you. Keep looking at pictures first in increasing doses until you feel ok, then videos. Spiders, I just let them get on with it and move them out the way if they are heading my way in the house.
  9. Once I'd handled a couple of snakes (garters)I felt more empathetic towards them. I found myself near a poisonous adder not long ago - about 3m away - and just stood still and let it slide away. First one I'd seen in nearly 60 years.
  10. Yeah because that administration aren't relaying verbatim what their experts are telling them, unlike Boris who is clearly just a mouthpiece for them, which is as it should be.
  11. Yeah, a quick wiki tot up suggests that out of 3000 tribes only 19 are nomadic.
  12. It's incredible that people listen to Trump to that extent.
  13. Here you are: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
  14. It would be so much nicer for people and water life if the water was unpolluted and unmolested by outboard motors. I would just allow the gondolas.
  15. I take it there wasn't any significant numbers before?
  16. Pollution down 28% in China. There will probably be more interesting coincidental data gleaned from this crisis.
  17. Because he wants to believe ufos are real?
  18. The virus particles are effectively disassembled, as CharonY said, so how likely will there be any immunologically-recognizable remnants after that process?
  19. Yeah, social kissing is customary there.
  20. It's not intuitive. Another one not intuitive to me is cold bleach, it seems, bleaches better than warm or hot bleach. Edit: Lower concentration increases contact time so that the surface of the microorganisms protein coat is not denatured too quickly such that it prevents more of the alcohol penetrating deeper into them. Superficial denaturing may just initiate dormancy.
  21. Japan seems to be having a relatively low infection rate. An author in Japan Times speculated this might be down to being generally more reserved in social contact behaviour and people who are ill customarily wear face masks, which long predates this issue. They hold their sneezes as well if they can IIRC. They have a high elderly population as well. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2020/03/21/commentary/japan-commentary/japan-still-coronavirus-outlier/
  22. Just tried it on some adhesive marks left from brown parcel tape on plastic and it is very efficient.
  23. I hope you are using it topically and not as a throat spray.
  24. Gilead is trialling remdesivir amongst covd patients. ETA oops...It's not a vaccine, it's an attempt to cure an infection.
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