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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I think they lose control of it rather than actually lose it. You might find this interesting: https://slate.com/technology/2016/03/schizophrenia-and-subvocal-speech-why-people-with-schizophrenia-hear-the-voices-of-god-spies-and-supernatural-entities.html
  2. Good point. I'm relaying UK-sourced advice.
  3. Yes. It would seem in that situation, since the ability to have internal dialogue is taken away, such a person may not have much freewill.
  4. Face masks are designed to protect a patient from droplets emitted by a medical professional when being examined by them at close quarters, not the other way around. From what I've read so far, improper handling by untrained persons exacerbates the spread rather than inhibiting it. The overarching advice I've seen so far is washing your hands before inserting your fingers in any of your orifices or touching your face. In summary: keep your unwashed hands away from your mucous membranes.
  5. From what I've read, the external voice is a consequence of the brain rejecting the inner voice as alien.
  6. Chronic coughing would seem the most concerning.
  7. I don't think it matters whether you say 'virus' meaning singular or plural but you can say 'viruses' for plural. Never seen 'virii' A single specimen of a virus is called a 'virion'
  8. I don't think much would withstand the hailstones.
  9. Astronomers have observed a distant planet where it probably rains iron. It sounds like a science fiction movie, but this is the nature of some of the extreme worlds we're now discovering. Wasp-76b, as it's known, orbits so close in to its host star, its dayside temperatures exceed 2,400C - hot enough to vaporise metals. The planet's nightside, on the other hand, is 1,000 degrees cooler, allowing those metals to condense and rain out. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-51828871
  10. He's possibly thinking of light as wave which is hard to imagine as discrete.
  11. An infinite number of people can't see a finite number of photons. A photon can only interact with one eye. If a 100 photons are emitted only a 100 possible people could see them.
  12. Not a good idea Tim to put your details up. I advise you to edit your post and delete them.
  13. If every photon was a ball bearing, the number of people that can catch one is equal to the number of ball bearings fired; two people cannot catch one. Two people cannot see the same photon.
  14. If you are trying to improve the taste, put a jug of water in the fridge. This will allow the chlorine and other gases to dissipate.
  15. I've read before that the hep c virus can outcompete the hep b virus in a host and put it into dormancy.
  16. Perhaps secretions from the mould reacted with the material and discoloured it.
  17. ST is extending from sound foundations, otherwise so many scientists wouldn't be working on it.
  18. I hope it's not just one pharma company getting a lead on a vaccine, as they'll fleece countries medical systems, like Gilead did with their HCV cure not too long ago when they got the first working treatment out.
  19. I bet the epidemiologists are all full steam at the moment. I find that side of it pretty interesting and that looks quite impressive to me.
  20. You would probably be better off letting go of that belief because, as swansont said earlier, it's bringing classical ideas into the quantum domain. So, AFAIK, duality is only a mystery when you try to use classical descriptions to describe quantum phenomena.
  21. Some things are best left unsaid...
  22. The difference between socialism and capitalism is the same as 'us vs me, myself, I' respectively, so an army is socialistic. Or to put it another way: it's co-operation vs competition.
  23. These links are to GIFS Explosion - note there is a wavefront and it is expanding into pre-existing space: https://giphy.com/gifs/animation-space-explosion-l41JS0g6UPOoKV7Z6 Expansion - The image represents the 2D curved surface of a sphere that is expanding. Space is being created between the moving objects which represent photons and the static yellow dots which represent galaxies . Picture that separation as universal expansion and note that it is not expanding into pre-existing space but is actually created between the galaxies; it is necessary to ignore the area outside the sphere to get the concept: https://giphy.com/gifs/a-teoria-do-big-bang-10JybSDlaS6aOc First link corrected
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