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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Unless it's made from known unadulterated isopropyl or ethyl alcohol, I wouldn't use it. As CharonY said, it wants to be a 70-80% solution because it denatures the proteins in pathogens better. What's wrong with wiping down things with a 10% bleach solution?
  2. Rumour and the internet = match + petrol.
  3. I didn't know that and just read up on it. A big black mark on Mr Churchill.
  4. Try this Khan Academy lesson: https://www.khanacademy.org/science/chemistry/chemical-reactions-stoichiome/types-of-chemical-reactions/a/double-replacement-reactions
  5. Where you want nationalisation is in infrastructure because there's no opportunities for real revenue growth and competition, and the only way for investors to see 'growth' is by artificial means for prices to rise.
  6. The autism connection has been peer reviewed and the author of that has been discredited and struck off. He, to cut a long story short, had a financial interest in pursuing this position. Unfortunately, this myth has persisted and been magnified by the internet. Google 'andrew wakefield autism'
  7. I don't think Sensei is and | was responding to your interpretation of his post. I was speculating as to why he might have the approach on this subject that he has, given that he's normally a measured poster.
  8. We all live in different countries, with varied degrees of truth disseminated in each. Some people in more oppressive regimes don't have the luxury of unfettered access to unbiased news sources and may also be exposed to state-sponsored propaganda campaigns. One can only know what one can see.
  9. Yeah!
  10. When you have just a hammer everything looks like a nail. The two extremes lead to same end result: dictatorship.
  11. Is socialism much viewed as a slippery road to communism in the US, or presented often that way by its detractors?
  12. Yes, I think so. He's a step too far for Republican-leaning floaters. They need to be moderate, straight and probably male.... thinking in purely tactical terms. Unfortunately, I might add.
  13. In the UK, you can contactlessly use your card 5 times in a row, then you have to enter your pin number. Any transaction over £30 must have a pin entered as well. If any internet transaction is over £30 my banks page will come up during the payment process and ask for a number that is sent to my phone.
  14. What about our National Insurance then? How is that not Socialistic?
  15. It works like any insurance: as long as the premiums coming in exceed the payouts it works fine. The individual burden is spread out. Private healthcare organisations have investors and they want to see high returns, so you have cost + profit to pay as a private patient.
  16. Thinking about definitions: There are actually no lines or demarcations between things but we mentally construct them for purposes of communicating and specificity; definitions are, ultimately, purely arbitrary and consensual ideas for our discussive convenience.
  17. You seem to want a binary answer and you won't get one.
  18. In science, you need to forget about 'proof' and think more in terms of the level of confidence assigned to any given evidence.
  19. Have a read of this Telegraph article: It gives a summary of the current situation and presently recommended actions: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/coronavirus-symptoms-treatment-uk-guide/
  20. What circumstances would they be?
  21. Don't ask a question if you are already settled on an answer. There is no such thing as perfect.
  22. I was reading recently that Chinese street surveillance cameras can pick out people even when they are wearing surgical masks. I'm guessing by reading the IR output.
  23. That's what Relativity says, which is believed to be beyond its limits as one approaches T=0.
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