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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Unless a YT video is by or of a person I know knows their stuff I don't generally class it as an educational portal; it is for entertainment. The thing with Wikipedia is to check the references.
  2. It is very disingenuous to ask a question then assert the answers are wrong.
  3. Space/distance is created between galaxies a certain minimum distance apart, so in the galaxy frame they are moving their normal speed. Space can expand as fast as it likes without violating Relativity.
  4. His ideas were mathematically sound and were built on what came before. You can't just pull something out of your arse and create something in a vacuum with no reference to past endeavours.
  5. If you know stuff you can do stuff but if you understand stuff you can make new stuff; you can play around with the knowledge in meaningful ways when you understand it. That's where insights come from.
  6. Only yesterday, in the BBC's live feed, Pence was quoted as saying they were looking to "de-escalate". He's obviously redefined the word.
  7. I don't know about the first two parts, but the latter, if the necessary components and environment are there, time and chemical determinism will favour it to evolve. imo.
  8. It's relative. Green is just the least efficient but not unusable. See: https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/green_light_is_it_important_for_plant_growth
  9. That's with our sun but with a different sun the prevailing plant colour might be different. Yeah, I think the blue photons are more energetic than red. I don't know about plants exclusively using green but they do use some.
  10. Vegetation will evolve photosynthetically to the average wavelengths of their light source.
  11. Have you thought about pure soap flakes which is just fatty acid-based? I did read older washing powder formulas used what you are using now and flakes together.
  12. From mediabiasfactcheck site: "Overall, we rate Principia Scientific International (PSI) a strong conspiracy and Pseudoscience website that promotes anti-vaccine propaganda and frequent misinformation regarding climate change. (D. Van Zandt 7/18/2017) Updated (9/26/2019)" https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/principia-scientific-international/
  13. Because the IQ test probably favours one over the other, who may have a different skill set to the one the test is measuring. IQ tests select for people that can do them.
  14. Have a read of this: https://www.thewindowsclub.com/turn-on-or-off-filter-keys-in-windows-10 It might tell you what combination causes it.
  15. They eat mice too apparently but they can also fly. They are slow growers, relatively poor egg layers and arten't the best meat birds.
  16. @hypervalent_iodine might have some knowledge of this subject. They are still in the research stage. This paper is 2017: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5372558/
  17. Dendrimers are specially designed molecules that can carry a therapeutic substance to specific sites in the body because they will only attach to molecule sites they were designed for. It's a way of fine-tuning a drugs selection of attachable sites. For example, a normal chemotherapy drug will affect anything and everything in the body that will react with it in an indiscriminate manner, whereas when attached to a dendrimer it will only lock to malignant sites or cells. You get access to them by being appropriately prescribed them, as determined by a medical professional.
  18. The ball is rolling and all that's history.
  19. Nice Job iNow.
  20. Yesss, when the days get longer. I hate being SAD. Merry Christmas for tomorrow to everyone.
  21. Defending an oppressed group that one may have an affinity with is a bad thing? If only the slighted group took umbrage then there would be no change because they are invariably the minority. If Gervais is going to be ambiguous and "edgy" in his humour then he should shut up and suck it up because it goes with the territory.
  22. Exactly, but the wider comments made here are still intelligent, pertinent and appreciated by myself.
  23. Define "reality" in this context. They acquired human and social rights the same anybody else after much consideration by the appropriate fields. In time, in line with iNow's earlier post, trans will be generally accepted as just another facet of human expression.
  24. If it's your legally obligatory duty to serve a single-malt-drinking-Canadian-that-feels-they-are-an-excavator-or-truck then it must be in an equitable and accommodating manner, in line with your other clients. When a person's rights are enshrined in law you don't get to treat them differently.
  25. Yes, that's the way change occurs.
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