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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I'm going to be an amateur brain surgeon. It's part of a relative's model aircraft christmas present.
  2. That's what I meant.
  3. I have size 10 blades for a No.3 handle according to their wrappers. Looks like I'll be buying a No.3 handle. Cheers.
  4. I have ordered a yet-to-arrive No.4 scalpel handle and some blades, which have arrived, and turn out to be No.3. Will they fit?
  5. Yes, it's got to replicate up to the sensitivity of the pcr test.
  6. I think they are too formal and the subject matter envisaged would muddy them. That's why I suggested close to politics. The subject matter is a softer science quality than psychology, rather like in politics but without the partisanship. Political discussion often ends up discussing matters that transcends it but not formal enough for a psychological/psychiatric discussion. Discussion of such matters in politics always ends up, naturally, seeking a political solution as opposed to other potential apolitical solutions.
  7. That's what inspired me. As far as referred authorities and decision-making suggestions go it should generally be limited to the relevant expert authorities, which may be government departments but not politicians... the scientists/researchers/civil servants etc themselves. In a nutshell: apolitical discussion of societal behaviour.
  8. I was thinking that we discuss societal behaviours quite a lot in Politics and was thinking might it be useful to have a distinct Sociology category for when people want to talk about social behaviour that is distinct from a governance perspective ie outside of political concerns and non-partisan?. Perhaps put it in the section where Politics is.
  9. Yo can get uv paint
  10. There could be a brick in the wall that fluoresces in the light of the torch and when he puts his hand on it there is an infrared detector embedded in that senses the heat and a door, covered in a brick facade, opens inwards.
  11. Evolution is a non-teleological blind watchmaker
  12. Yeah! it's quite the experience. And no eating. After a guided trip up my alimentary canal and back the Endoscopist pointed out an adenoma which he said might go malignant in 10-20 years, so he cauterized it off. The thing is with this life expectancy stuff statistically, is it just that medicine is keeping more people alive longer but basically we aren't intrinsically healthier as a population?
  13. Immunization is about protecting everybody, not just ourselves. If we are to be responsible citizens we should protect those that cannot be immunized from ourselves, as we may become vectors. The notion of individual freedom of choice in this matter is the antithesis of herd immunity/social responsibility.
  14. He likely used the shortest, easiest route to contain the situation. If he had a gun he would have used that. This is why I don't want to see ordinary uk police officers routinely armed.
  15. I've never really thought about this subject. Looks interesting.
  16. I understand now Thanks for clarifying.
  17. Statement 2 does not follow from statement 1: 1. If we were to convert the entire mass of the Sun into photons ( and somehow manged to contain them to the Sun's present volume), this would have no gravitational effect on the orbiting planets. 2. That collection of photons would produce the same gravitational field as the Hydrogen and Helium it replaced. I could be well wrong but I think he's trying to say that regardless of whether the sun is entirely photons or elements the planets will still orbit it but in the first statement he contradicts that by saying the photons have no effect.
  18. I think you cocked up here Janus.
  19. Much of science is based on best guesses i.e statistical analysis but simple it ain't.
  20. But isn't the stuff surrounding QG and such physics beyond commonsense by default?
  21. Yep, that's why they need supercomputers to model it.
  22. From what I understand of the cause, there needs to be some kind of redundancy in the critical sensors.
  23. If the main branch is thick enough, drill holes around the edge of the freshly cut face (in the phloem which transports stuff down to the roots) and syringe or pipette neat glyphosphate in the holes and cover with plastic sheet of some sort to slow drying. I
  24. Ideas are getting thin on the gound. You could try updating to the latest version of Win 10 - the first option - or failing that get a usb stick and use the media creation tool to put W10 on it and boot from that. You should get the option to keep your files in both instances. Here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/software-download/windows10 A long shot but I did read Skype caused this issue for some, so uninstalling it then rebooting and reinstalling it might work.
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