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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I average 3 posts a day over 10 years. Hardly prolific.
  2. Are they the critical swing states?
  3. As JC already said, the rancidity is a function of it not being stable; light, warmth and air are the main culprits it seems. It wants to be cold, dark and air-free to slow that process down.
  4. And the reviewer(s).
  5. Sorry about that. I mentioned it because it makes this topic seem somewhat hopeless. I don't see anyone on the Democratic side that has the larger-than-life persona and intent of a Boris or Donald, which is what catches peoples eye, I've noticed.
  6. I searched for who was going to win next year and the analysts I read think Trump will win again if he keeps the economy up. Depressing.
  7. Yes, that did cross my mind then vacuum sealing.
  8. OK. Just read vacuum sealing will extend a refrigerated product that normally lasts 1-3 days to about two weeks
  9. Would storing it in a pumpable vacuum container be feasible.
  10. You clearly know nothing about scientific review. The purpose of a review is to critique a paper, not sing its praises.
  11. Yes. Right. Cheers.
  12. I should have said "... more kinetically active". A bit more than Brownian motion.
  13. The only difference between Darwin's hypothesis and hydrothermal vents is that the latter are kinetically active.
  14. You can have a hallucination and know it's not real, which I wouldn't class as a psychotic event but maybe that's not the expert view.
  15. OK. I was seeing "psychotic" as specific grade of lucidity i.e. none. You might be schizophrenic but not psychotic all of the time. Is a person with schizophrenia, who is functioning socially normally but still hears voices in a psychotic state as per psychiatric conventions?
  16. I suppose one difference is that schizophrenia describes a persistent illness and psychosis describes a symptom, which may be transient or not.
  17. No, not having evidence that passes scientific scrutiny.
  18. Ultamately, the bar to get over is scientific review and if it can't get passed that it's a non-starter. Conspiracy theories of institutional cover up is a fairly typical defence of those who believe something that is not generally accepted..
  19. The question you want to ask is "How fast can a species evolve?" and are we, Homo sapien sapiens, the most evolved? To date it appears we are, then space travel is limited to what we can do now and ET's won't be very likely in our neighbourhood. You have to find a plausible mechanism before any phenomena can reasonably be expected to be investigated scientifically. It seems to me you have taken an arbitrarally chosen position that they have been in our vicinity.
  20. When we have what we want in sight. What we do know, from Iraq, etc is that regime change - taking out the leaders - does not work, hence, North Korea is being treated differently.
  21. No. Just not at the earliest opportunity; at the most judicious time and manage the underlings in the meantime until the size and trajectory of their game plan is in hand, then pop 'em. Cheers.
  22. They are examples.
  23. No. MigL. The idea is weaken them by attrition.
  24. Killing leaders can cause splintering and then you are being attacked from more independent fronts instead of one. I read this might be happening now with the death of Bagdhadi.
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