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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Attrition.
  2. IIRC I don't think (most anyway) fishes brains are evolved enough to experience pain as we know it. I catch and release all mine and they mostly swim/saunter off apparently unperturbed. I saw a programme once where a shark bit a fish clean in half from the back and the front half just carried on swimming as if it wasn't aware of what happened. As much as I like fish generally and care about them and their environment, they are not sentient creatures. On the positive side, anglers are unpaid monitors of water and stock condition. Nobody stares at the water and surroundings as much as anglers do. UK anglers are a bit different from the rest of the world in that eating what we catch, save salmon, sea fish and trout perhaps, is the exception rather than the rule.
  3. There is greater lattitude in hockey. So, you want to see female fottballers skirts riding up around their waists when they go for a sliding tackle, not to mention friction injuries? Do you want a spade? The simple answer is that people aren't exposed to or used to female footballers... might take a generation or so.
  4. In sports clothes, form (mostly) follows function. Football gear is designed for the rigours of the game. You don't see much variation in the men's gear and its not just tradition. There is likely less lattitude in what people can wear under those circumstances. You are just not used to seeing women playing football.
  5. I don't think he's being a mysoginist; he's sexualising them in an inappropriate situation.
  6. Fail. This is not the era of the "tottie".
  7. What's that: leaning out of a canoe, down the rapids trying to catch an apple from the water with our gobs?
  8. And no coffee from me when he wanders around to where I'm fishing.
  9. I'd rather watch paint dry.
  10. This makes no sense. You either kill the leader or you don't, if that's what you mean by focus. Killing the strategist means you are then looking for the new strategist and until that's known much time is lost and damage ensues. We'll have agree to differ I think.
  11. Apparently, packing and its materials is a service which if charged is taxable.
  12. Killing the leaders seems to just make a mess worse. Think Gadaffi and Saddam. I'm suggesting a different approach. The benefit of killing the leader first seems to be not very productive. It's just a temporary morale boost to kill a leader and makes good print.
  13. Any word or term can be hijacked for derogatory purposes and often are but it doesn't mean they shouldn''t be used in their origanally intended meaning. The link is here, however be forewarned, this site isn't free. https://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2019/10/11/seattle-schools-lead-controversial-push-to-rehumanize.html According to the interview with a person who is directly involved in the planning, this is taught IN math class. I didn't notice the link before though. Either way, in light of what Castro-Gill is saying, I'd chalk that up to a bad folder organization. Or someone got confused and thought this belonged in an Ethnic Studies course. For the record, I have absolutely no issue with this being an ethnic studies course. But it's not, it's to be incorporated into the math class. I don't like this concept because it might cause a negative reaction in the pupil and hence their progress. I started an OU maths course infused with feminist issues, like equal pay, and pissed me off so much i packed it in. Politics should be kept out of the core subjects that are essential skills... themes need to be neutral.
  14. I wonder if it would be better to leave the leaders alive and take out the infantry first because one can familiarise oneself over the longer term with the tactics of the group. Killing leaders means having to learn the new strategy all over again.
  15. OK. Cheers.
  16. I ordered some bait from a company and they are charging vat on the postage. Is this allowed since vat is already paid on the stamp thst they use?
  17. But don't forget the 'old boy' network that can only be formed whilst you are in college/university and that may require attending social gatherings. Those young university socialites may one day be professors, CEO's etc. Obviously, you want to be knocking around in the circles of your future professional interest.
  18. There's a saying: "It's not what you know, it's who you know". The truth is a bit of both.
  19. 'Networking' is wearing a mask and generally being agreeable in the hope that one day those parting phone numbers will benefit you.
  20. People give points for reasons only known to themselves; humorous, clever, informative etc. For positive reps it means you've posted something agreeable to them, as Nevim says.
  21. Is it fructose that's implicated in visceral fat deposition?
  22. Wow! Your wife is hardcore.
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