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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. We that care about science are not interested in the truth because it is not attainable... how would you really know? That is why science has theories, which have the highest level of evidence available at any given time. It is a matter of principle that scientists leave room for doubt at any time, so that current theories can be modified, or even discarded, as and when necessary in the light of any new evidence in the future. It is a process of analysis and discovery which uses the scientific method. Logic is a formal and repeatable thinking process... not just what makes sense to us individually.
  2. No, it's about acquiring established knowledge or sharing it.
  3. Don't forget, all theories are limited to domains of applicability. I could be wrong but I can't think of any exceptions.That might be worth getting across to your students: that every theory has limits to where it can be applied.
  4. Greg needs to get a life and accept neighbours will impinge upon their peace occasionally. "You were noisy last weekend" Ah, sorry mate, I'll keep it down next time."
  5. As comical as our comments are, these are the repercussions, I think.
  6. I'll meet you at the pub at 7,8,9,10 oclock
  7. The cell needs codes to operate and regulate the codes that make the proteins:
  8. To find a purpose.
  9. But it is not passing muster under Mordred's scrutiny. He has lived and breathed this stuff for thirty years and counting, and he has a relevant PhD. I don't think anybody here that is a physicist doubts his competence in this area to review stuff at the level presented on these boards..
  10. Wasted his money. The sad thing is that it only took a cursory effort from me to find out. Another name for these is 'Vanity Journal'
  11. From Wiki about the journal that contains your "peer-reviewed" article: * Looks like a nonsense journal to me with a credibility rating of zero.
  12. Any compound that is likely to leach into your cooking water would be on the surface and will have been removed in the first washing up or two. The rest is safely sealed in the glass.
  13. NO but I'm sure swansont will explain why. It's his professional field. I think the most I can say is that it doesn't matter what type of clock you use,the result will be the same; as long as its resolution is fine enough, of course.
  14. If a Komodo dragon farted through its mouth near a source of ignition that assertion would be falsified.
  15. 20cm but I think that is with a what was then an experimental clock. GPS clocks are 30cm I think.
  16. The Global Positioning System corrects for it 24 hours a day... it's a fact.
  17. The T means it's generally accepted.
  18. Could there not be a minimum energy for action or effect? I'm thinking along the lines where virtual particles individually have no action until a quantum is produced by combination.
  19. No problem. I thought it was interesting too, with it outlining the issues of and requirements for terrestrial adaptation.
  20. https://www.geol.umd.edu/~tholtz/G104/lectures/104land.html
  21. If the preparation is a mix in the capsule it might not be evenly distributed. On reflection, I'm not sure this is a good idea discussing modifying medical preparations.
  22. Yes, that's the present reality. I'm hoping for a hypothetical discussion in possible new principles and separation of powers.
  23. Is there a way or process to stop incumbent governments hijacking the election process and legal system in their favour for future elections?
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