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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. If the medication is to be taken immediately, then you could mix it in, say, 4ml of water and use 3ml of it.
  2. I will resist derailing the thread.
  3. Is maths the method or the language?
  4. If that's what floats your boat.
  5. Same shit with different actors. The point is to find a point (to your life). .. which may take forever.
  6. I agree. He's using the word in his OP and one would trivially assume he has an idea in mind what it means.
  7. As much as I'm committed to the idea of reparations, I don't think direct cash payments is the way to address the injustice. To put it bluntly, most recipients will just piss it up the wall or satisfy short term wants. This is a uniquely American way of addressing issues imo: throw cash at the problem, job done. Money is the means to resolution but not the resolution itself. I think the solution lies in sincere societal/institutional contrition by treating and enabling black people to travel through life with the same means and available opportunities of their white counterparts. The direction should be about altering behaviour and exercising a bit of positive discrimination until they are on a level footing.
  8. Joke, mate. I should have put a smiley in.
  9. See bold. I think the worst flaw is the corruption of the judiciary on partisan lines. The system is fucked when politics invades it. It's how countries fall to aspiring autocrats because they can fiddle the system in their favour. Just look around the world. Turkey is notable at the moment.
  10. Yes the US administration is very rightist at the moment... and very ugly. Well, I'm English. I've voted for both parties in the past based on prevailing policies, so, I would say I'm middling in ideology between the two. I'm pragmatic more than ideological. The last part of your question: I don't like his attitude to the royal family, nuclear policy or trade unions who would run rings around him.... to name three. In a nutshell he's too old school Labour, for me. Let's not derail the thread with more posts on my political beliefs.
  11. Yes, it is to the right more but I don't think in an extreme way. I think it might be to you in a greater way because you seem to be more leftist than myself. Having said that, I think we need a bit more socialism in the foreseeable future but preferably not under Corbyn.
  12. Although, as Alex says, the UK is to the left of the US Cons (and Dems to a degree, I think) it has a distinct capitalist-flavoured party and socialist-flavoured party, yet it never slippery-slopes too far in either direction. Over decades, there is a fairly narrow range which we move either way. Undoubtedly fear-mongering on the US Cons part.
  13. OP: virtual reality has 99% replaced RL. Sit in any Mcdonald's or walk along any street and tell me how many are not immersed in the VR of their phones. How many are living in the organic vs electronic here and now?
  14. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/assembly_programming/
  15. Thanks Mordred, I'd not heard of the Einstein Vacuum before now. Up to you said that, I thought space could not be discrete unto itself, in principle. I know what you mean by not calling it a 'thing'.
  16. Is space as volume a thing?
  17. Beecee: Isn't your bolded bit on GR's limits in that domain a long known fact? Isn't the same issue as when it gets close to the BB scenario?
  18. Small point: in science, 'accelerate' means a change in velocity , not just speeding up, so de-accelerate is not used.
  19. Adding to Phi: Ask her what she's using RoundUp for and suggest an alternative chemical or method. I would be inclined to help her find a solution to her gardening problem before going the confrontational, negative route. I suspect she is using the only method she knows, as practiced by her late husband... I doubt it's a conspiracy. She's got seven gallons of the stuff to use up in her mind, probably.. All it may need is a more selective type of herbicide. RoundUp (glyphosphate) is a kill-all systemic herbicide. I've only had to use it once to kill a lilac (syringa) stump. I generally use liquid weedkillers that are for lawns on most things, even if the weeds aren't in my lawn. Glyphospate is the nuclear option in my opinion when alternatives aren't available and should be used as little as possible.
  20. Perhaps patience is the required quality at the moment because Trump will not be president one day and can then be held accountable.
  21. I agree. You have to follow the correct path, even though it's a longer one and justice should be the final goal, not the pursuit of near-term power.
  22. It appears so, from a Wiki I read, as part of Galilean relativity of velocity ideas but it was not called that formally at the time.
  23. Is this correct? Just a thought triggered by a another current thread.
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