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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I don't think the follicles on a head are in the same phase at any point in time. Also when it goes into the weakest phase, the hair is thinner, so it breaks at the slightest tension. If it's under a turban, or some such cover, it won't break off.
  2. Have a look on youtube.
  3. As Strange said earlier, with a dash of humour:
  4. I suppose if ones mind is not anchored in science, these sorts of thoughts arise.
  5. So it is.
  6. What? 28 seats vs LD15 + L10 + G7 + C3 = 30 seats.
  7. So, which bit don't you understand? Looking at the vote share change, The Greens, The Lib Dems, Labour and Conservatives only just beat them combined! I don't have a horse in this race. The reality is the Brexit Party are up there.
  8. I never spoke about prediction I was looking at the overall trend in each party i.e. Labour remain and Tory leave. The sad thing,for me, in this discussion is the entrenched partisan bias in this discussion. None of our comments are worth shit really. I don't know why but I expect better from people with a scientific bent.. that's my naivete, I guess.
  9. Yes, the media, and internet in particular, is a bit of a wild beast atm. If you look wider afield, we are only following the general trend towards a more nationalistic outlook. Globalism and co-operation is taking an increasingly back seat.
  10. This is true but he has only one objective.
  11. Considering Farage has just cobbled that party together, the result is pretty impressive against all long-established parties even if you cut off the ukip section. I've got to say, Change party has got the most moronic name considering they want to keep things the same. Also, they haven't added the softer Brexit element of the Conservatives which would push it nearer 50%, so it is roughly still in parity with the original result... no wild swings either way. Try looking at it with a scientist's eye.
  12. It's not the people that have fucked up, it's the politicians. They are incapable of carrying out the results of the poll. I like your flexible principles.
  13. It's space full of stuff.
  14. There's an article in Reuters about it that I've just now read and this was on the end:
  15. Is a blindfolded/blind person pressing a button not random in the true sense?
  16. Invoking magic is not a substitute for not knowing yet. Why must we have all the answers right now? Just because we don't know now doesn't mean mean we never will. And you're talking bollocks with not an iota of substance.
  17. One wants to be a willow that bends with the conditions and not a mighty oak that breaks in storm. Moral: Better to be flexible than stubborn.:D
  18. PVA stiffener might be more free from white marks.
  19. One could argue; How do I know you are sentient? You could be emulating the behaviour of a sentient being. If we are the sum of our behaviours then so is an AI, if it performs as we do. I know we have agreed on this before.
  20. There is a continuous transfer of electrons in either and it's actually electrochemical in organic substrates. By 'information', I mean the pattern of the impulses.
  21. Yes, electricity is the medium upon which information is conveyed and they both have that in common; only the generation of that electricity is different.
  22. Science is 'How?' and Philosophy is 'Why?'
  23. Munchausens syndrome by proxy. They surreptitiously make people ill then try to make them better, ultimately with the aim of making themselves look heroic to others. Sound like Donald?
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