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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. What is "dark matter"? What is its composition. You might as well say it's made of axolotls or frisbees. Get the picture? I have no problem with dark matter because it fills a space in knowledge and is anticipated to be a solution for physics but you seem to have big problems with emergence doing the same for biology.
  2. No, it's greater than the sum of the parts... thought that would have been obvious to you... as in analogy. So, what's the problem? Once you put certain elements together you get <insert object or phenomenon>. The only difference is that we don''t know the precise configurations that make life, consciousness or sentience. We can only say they emerge.
  3. Analogously, emergence is 3+2=6
  4. And so it may be with our robots in the future.
  5. The Bible. Adam and Eve and them eating from Tree of Knowledge... and all that.
  6. There's nowt as strange as folk.
  7. I thought it was cherries... a bowl of.
  8. Does this sound like a digital process?:
  9. Physics Forums is quite strict and has relatively little patience for dissenters but, having said that, you weren't treated unkindly and he did close it until you'd learnt more on the subject, not necessarily permanently
  10. One can see in his style Mueller is a professional, in total contrast to the POTUS. Hopefully, he'll keep making a noise and ensuring, in his own way, due process is executed,
  11. This is related to the rate of expansion beyond a certain distance out-stripping the speed of photons, which means information outside our observable sphere becomes increasingly faint with increasing distance. It's not a hard line.
  12. The universe is everything that exists. There are no boundaries unless you are talking about the observable vs the entire universe. The big bang is the beginning of a new epoch in the evolution of the universe and not the beginning of the universe itself; if it ever had one.
  13. If you can act contrary to all the inner signals telling you to do otherwise because you've intellectualized that this course of action is better, to my mind, is free will. It's the ability to over-ride viscerally-ingrained behaviours. I've noticed when these times are most prominent is when you are in a dangerous/stressful situation and everything is in-the-moment.
  14. A big part of the problem is things aren't built to last, which is good for profits and jobs but bad for the environment.
  15. You have disregarded what we've already said because it's not what you want to hear. I can't add any more to this conversation. I think the problem is you are used to mathematical treatments and associated lines of thought and, thus far, this subject cannot be described in that way.
  16. The fact is mate, neither iNow or I are experts. We are only passing on what we read by competent biological scientists.We are at the limit of what we can argue but you are coming across as confidently ignorant, being unreasonable and disregarding where science is at this point time on the subject. Get over it, we will just have to wait.
  17. No, hit it with a massive thought.
  18. Oh shit! I've just broke my laptop screen.
  19. It looks that way. Also, the fact is that the words 'abiogenesis' and 'emergentism' have been assigned by the biological community to those concepts, even though we don't have their respective mechanistic details yet... just like 'dark matter' in physics. They are analogous.
  20. Aren't we worth the effort?
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