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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I'm a two-finger typer, so that's why I said that.
  2. This subject is like asking "How did life begin?" and the answer will be 'Abiogenesis' but we don't know the precise constituents that lead to it. A similar issue occurs in that subject whereby inanimate objects become 'living'. .. life emerges from them. So far, they have both been resistant to a reductionist treatment. And that's the state of play.
  3. I wonder if emergence is not an objective phenomenon and is actually an observer-dependent property in that it requires an observer to interpret a phenomenon as meaningful or useful.
  4. Overthinking is what we are here for, so don't stop.
  5. Clearly, it caused you to not be taught to use capital letters to start a sentence; is it so hard to input with two hands?
  6. It seems that there are bud sites at intervals along the roots. A piece an inch long can contain a bud and grow.
  7. To use a television analogy: the mind is the picture that the TV hardware makes.
  8. Not what you really want but you could look at the manufacturers sites and read their blurb behind their designs. If you look at the most expensive ones vs the budget ones you can see why the former might be better and the function of each aspect. For instance, good drills are double fluted with a high number of turns in the spiral for more efficient clearance and also sharper edges on the spiral so that the hole sides are cut cleaner, like a revolving chisel. The tungsten tip in good SDS bits often have a cross-shaped cutting edge so that the hole face is chipped finer and faster, which can lead to easier clearance. I like the Black and Decker Bullet tips for hammer drills, which have tips that are concave-pointed as opposed to straight-pointed, which is the norm. They seem to punch a hole better as opposed to just scraping a hole out and getting hot, like the conventional tips. I can do harder material with those bullet bits in a DIY battery hammer drill that I can't do with conventional bits... AND they can be used again and again! I don't know anything about tungsten quality, so that might matter as well.
  9. You could do with finding a single chelated copper fertiliser. This is a kind of copper that is bound to an organic molecule which is easy for the plant to uptake. What you want is copper EDTA (copper Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ).
  10. LEDs are manufactured to a spec and then sieved into different bins of quality depending on how close to spec they are. Nichias are at the top for colour rendering but they aren't as luminous. Their diodes are heavily coloured and the warmer they are the greater the brightness penalty. Diodes in the raw are actually blue or red I think.
  11. Yeah, I was going that way fast with a dash of neuroscience, as in perception. I realise now it is necessary to learn what it is in the field of physics and the professional consensus in that context.
  12. Original Post (first post) in this case but it can also mean Original Poster if that's the context.
  13. If the speed of sound is 1540 m/s, which means that, in one second, a one hertz (1 cycle) wave will be 1540 metres long, a 2 hertz wave will 1540/2 metres long. The formula you want to be using is the distance sound travels in one second divided by the frequency. How long will a wave be that is 11 million hertz?
  14. Yeah.
  15. Yes, on reflection, probably, there's a continuum of diminishing sentience rather than a distinct cut off point.
  16. Free will is not a necessary component of sentience. I remember an article that argued that worms are sentient. They were chosen as the minimum at which sentience exists.
  17. Yes, because they are properties or descriptors that tell us something about an object but do not have a distinct existence themselves. I won't labour the point because this is in a science section but in short they are measurements, which is information....
  18. Space is distance, which could be seen as information since it is not a thing unto itself.
  19. I agree.
  20. I think that If something passes all known tests of sentience, then it follows that it is sentient until such a time comes that a another test shows that it isn't.
  21. I saw a video once of a small fire starting in a room and what seems to happen is the room heats up for a while until the ignition temperature of the gases released by the warming is reached, then everything seems to catch fire instantly in an almost explosive manner.
  22. Ultimately, Barr and Mueller are only messengers and the real court will be Congress and the public. I think Mueller seems to be leaving quite a bit open for interpretation from the little bits I've read, as you say. If there's anything that will bring Trump down in that report, I don't think choosing now to release it as a way to lessen the impact will make any difference; it's been going on too long.
  23. I bet there will be many puzzle enthusiasts focussing on the redacted parts.
  24. I shall look it up. I would call it an inability to grasp or even acknowledge the idea of emergence. I get the feeling that some otherwise very bright people dismiss it as a tenuous 'fill-in' or place-holder word for things that we can't explain.
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