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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Hi.I think an ophthamologist is going to know more than a random website like this.
  2. A trait is favoured when it produces more offspring. The more offspring that a trait produces, the more it is reinforced by virtue of there being more offspring with that trait. The mane will have originally come about by random mutation, then it was up to other factors, like attractiveness to lionesses, to determine whether it will be perpetuated, by mating, more favorably over other versions of that characteristic (phenotype)..
  3. The more sites there are discussing a topic, the higher the probability of some otherwise uninterested person becoming curious and being enabled to cause harm, to themself or others; intentionally or not.
  4. I'd get a waterproof/windproof shell jacket with minimal padding so that you can hang or pack tight if you need to. If it's cold, put a zippered fleece on before you put the jacket on. Do you wear a full suit for work with tie/jacket? If that's the case I would wear a jumper, if it's cold, over the shirt, put on your office jacket and then your rainproof. Remove the jumper at work. You could get lightweight, waterproof over-trousers for when it's really bad.
  5. The trouble is, walking around in different directions, it's just about impossible to keep the brolly pointing in an aerodynamically-favourable direction.
  6. I've fished in 60mph winds. Brolly/shelter was made with 8oz nylon and 12inch pegs pinning it down...it was aerodynamically positioned for minimum resistance... I knew it was coming. The force pushing the canopy down was something else. There ain't no hand-held brolly that you can hold in 60mph winds. Either the brolly will break... or your taking off. These claim to be the strongest domestic type... with a price to match. https://davek.co.uk/collections/umbrellas2 I think it would be more productive to splash out on light-weight, wet weather/windproof gear made of Goretex which will help keep you from sweating. Again, not cheap.
  7. Yeah, hanging on to an unchanging Constitution that needs to adapt with the times is, I'm sure, not what its original authors intended. If it wasn't designed to be changed, no Amendments would exist on it, which, of course, they do. I'd like to see the NRA refute that argument.
  8. Well, if you go into screaming mode yourself, you will find that the tops of your cheeks push into your eye sockets when you open your mouth wide, putting pressure on your eyes to close, The answer is, it's easier to shut them when screaming.
  9. It's called a 'meltdown' and all the switches are flicked off except for the mouth.
  10. As I said earlier, it's based on intersubjective consensus
  11. Gravity doesn't bend spacetime; gravity is bent spacetime. Matter tells spacetime how much too bend. Conversely, spacetime tells matter how to move i.e. its trajectory. 'Fabric' is just a metaphor and not to be taken literally. I think the term originates from the 'heavy ball on a trampoline' idea of bent spacetime, which the fabric represents. It only shows two dimensions; when there's actually 4. It's a very crude idea, not really representing the facts but just gives a glimpse of the concept. 'Spacetime' is actually a 4 dimensional map of the gravitational distribution in a space...it's a mathematical construct. It allows people to plot mass- energy values in time and space on co-ordinates in the spacetime map and see how they change under different scenarios... amongst other things. As you should see, spacetime is not a 'thing' but a way of describing how things behave and interact in space. That behaviour is what we call 'gravity'.
  12. He'still got his other one yet, but, yeah, their attitude stinks. It's a long time to lose at 70 years old. I did think the prosecutor's request of 19 years was way OTT.
  13. FB's like heroin: addictive and bad for you. All you are to FB is data and dollars.
  14. You lot need to get on science forums more.
  15. In Madagascar I doubt there are many, if any, antivaxxers.
  16. I had a look on Quora and it seems it has middling electronegativity (2.2), so the atom it combines with determines which way it goes.
  17. On the helium question, the outer shell is full and so it doesn't need to react with anything.
  18. I think you are taking what Phi said out of context; what he said is wrt to civil wars, not anti-vaxxers. Some measures are necessary in some circumstances. You need to bear in mind you are on a science forum and things tend to get discussed in a more dispassionate way, as an attempt to address the fundamentals of a problem without the emotional baggage. When it comes to actually applying those ideas in real life, then that baggage has to be addressed.
  19. Not a DIY-friendly process, nitriding.
  20. Yes, by people already fully versed in the subject; not neophytes. I would hazard that you need at least 20 years of full-time experience in a science endeavour to have any chance of altering any paradigm in that subject.
  21. Great stuff mate. Cheers. Red oxide makes a good polish in jewellers rouge, so. it's useful for that. Is there any process or stuff you can add as the end user to induce that black oxide layer on the surface in non-cast steel? Shall look up Corten.
  22. StringJunky

    Fluid pressure

    Assuming the weights can travel to bottom, there will be greater displacement in the first figure and hence higher water level up the pipe.. In X2, once the weight passes the pipe outlet it will cease to move because water that is left has nowhere to go.
  23. In the face of bullshit, it needs to be blunt and factual; a bit like the picture warnings on cigarette packets. Just my opinion.
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