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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. StringJunky

    Fluid pressure

    Assuming the weights can travel to bottom, there will be greater displacement in the first figure and hence higher water level up the pipe.. In X2, once the weight passes the pipe outlet it will cease to move because water that is left has nowhere to go.
  2. In the face of bullshit, it needs to be blunt and factual; a bit like the picture warnings on cigarette packets. Just my opinion.
  3. Yes. Being "pro-choice" in this matter as though the consequences are only to oneself is as absurd as it irresponsible; there is only one ethical position to being a potential vector for a communicable disease or not.
  4. Don't worry, you are most likely normal for a fourteen year old. You are at an important stage in your life where you are trying to define who you are and what you want from life and people. It can be quite a lonely time while you figure all this out, along with all the new feelings and awareness that you didn't have before this period. Be aware that your friends, that are around your age, will be going through the same issues too... you are not alone. Just take your time and work though your thoughts. This time of uncertainty will ease as you pass through this process of maturation. Hang on in there. If you do really feel stuck and can't handle it, seek your doctor out.
  5. I cannot improve upon perfection, so there's just the one personality for me.
  6. From where I'm sitting, you are coming across as being very much in narcissist-mode. We all have ''stuff" to deal with as well, you know. Just go with the flow here and stop trying to swim against the tide all the time... no good will come of it.
  7. Did I call them idiots or anything disparaging? No. I was being purely factual. I assume you know I meant scientifically-illiterate. Maybe 'scientifically-naive' would make you feel better.
  8. High sensation seekers have a low response?
  9. Wow. It illustrates how polarised the scientifically-literate from the illiterate are. It's a shame science is quite a hard subject for many.
  10. Full Text: https://annals.org/aim/fullarticle/2727726/measles-mumps-rubella-vaccination-autism-nationwide-cohort-study
  11. Can you elaborate this in layman terms?
  12. It should be noted that this method is not likely to be mass-produced any time soon because it's quite a complicated and invasive process but it does show promising evidence that it can be eradicated by targeting a particular gene/s.
  13. Right. Cheers.
  14. No. I think their collective judgement has been fine-tuned since the beginning of the millennium.
  15. What would be the acid test for finding a preferred frame: different physics in general or some difference in particular?
  16. If a monkey can type Shakespeare, given an infinite amount of time, does it make mathematical sense that an infinite number monkeys would type Shakespeare in an infinitesimal amount of time? Or rather, as quickly as one monkey in that infinite number to type the minimum number of keys for the whole works. Are the odds not 1?
  17. Look at the monkeys and typewriters thread to see the odds.
  18. I'll answer for him: as a means to possibly explain some of his socially unconventional behaviour... instead of letting us think he's being deliberately aggravating.
  19. Yes, they do but don't, under normal circumstances, moderate those they are involved in. I think most of them want to chat and answer too, rather than moderate.
  20. Right. Cheers.
  21. Does that mean events can apparently occur in some other order?
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