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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Because it's pulled-it-out-of-my-arse rubbish. A speculation on SFN requires some semblance of falsifiability.
  2. We can try. We can start by pubilically omitting that evidence covered by your secrets acts which may reveal the inner workings of the security services - it could still be used but only in camera to the oversight committee. Basically see what's left after necessary redactions. This current Reuters article might illuminate: U.S. attorney general faces daunting decision on release of Russia report My red lines would be: where that information harms any aspect of the lawful functioning of the US or its law-abiding employees (like the secret services), it must be shielded from public view.
  3. A few things have sparked this question. The first time was when Cliff Richard's property was filmed by the BBC being raided by the police after a tip off by them. The BBC claimed it was in the public interest. They lost, and rightly so. I would have thought they would be highly expert at deciding what was in the public interest but apparently not. The latest one to prompt this question is how much the US Attorney General should reveal of the Meuller Report. Your assessment echoes mine regarding what it means btw.
  4. What does it mean wrt to whether something needs to be reported. Is gossip "in the public interest"? Does it differ either side of the Atlantic? What are the parameters?
  5. I'm stuck in the early seventies with the guitar gods of the day.
  6. I've noticed socially-challenged people who wish for a partner often treat them like an alien species, instead of just talking to them normally about anything that passes at the time.
  7. Get them to teach you about it.
  8. Infinite with no edge or finite with no edge.
  9. Not very likely because they no longer have the habitat range or population, and we humans are making harder for them all the time.
  10. My earlier offering is basically the 'scientific method' in different words. We can only go on the preponderance of evidence and besides, 'proof' is for mathematicians.
  11. You can quote by highlighting some text in a post by click-dragging, upon which you will see a 'quote this' flag; click that. Or, click the 'Quote' button, bottom left of every post if you wish to use the whole post.
  12. Yes, but your reply was to the subjective 'I think therefore...' His question pertained to him from our perspective. Prove that he exists.
  13. The OP's scenario is from a different perspective i.e. not 'Do I exist?', but 'Do they exist?'.
  14. Life is like fishing line, and sometimes it gets irretrievably tangled up in a big ball of knots ('birds nest' in correct fishing parlance). The only solution is to cut out the bird's nest and tie a knot in it... then carry on fishing. If the problem is permanent, accept it and build your life around it where you can.
  15. The best we can offer is to have an intersubjective agreement that you or anything exists outside of our individual internal spaces.
  16. ... and Trump's still President.
  17. He hasn't said in this thread but one of his others he's got going atm. Could be my fault for looking at his threads as one.
  18. A bit harsh, considering he says he has schizophrenia. Being lifelong deaf has been a challenge but having unseen others ranting at you, telling you you are a no-good little shit - for example as in audio hallucinations - must be unbearable times. We have no idea what his obstacles are, but whatever form it manifests to him, it must make his life trying.
  19. Whadya mean? Not all of us want to leave a mark and are just happy to watch things grow and die, and people come and go. I'm learning all the time and probably always will. I'm not a quitter... I'm still alive. I've spent my life picking myself up, dusting myself down and not quitting... f knows why!
  20. They'll see that you are worn out and its time for you to pass. That eases the sense of loss.
  21. In 30-40 years time you might consider that a really bad dream.
  22. How many times do you want to 'go around the block'? Bear in mind, I'm not far off sixty. You still have your life ahead of you and many experiences still to have, but there seems to come a point where you start to become too familiar with the way the world is .
  23. It calms me that one day I can just let go... It's the only thing that keeps me going; knowing that this life isn't forever... strange as it may seem. I used to take a lot of drugs to block out life, but now I take it full on and clear-headed because I know it's only temporary. Funny thing is that I'm enjoying life a lot more.
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