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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I think this discovery just highlights how interdependent scientists are with each other; nothing is discovered in isolation.
  2. Time - as we know it - may have emerged at that point, but it doesn't automatically follow that the universe started at that point just because time (as we know it) did. It could have been in some other state
  3. Maybe CharonY can offer a view on that.
  4. You'll be lead author, won't you?
  5. I didn't know that. The cads. I thought she received due credit and attribution otherwise.
  6. I understood it was because she wasn't alive when it was awarded. They aren't given posthumously.
  7. This is true. Might have to wait until the next Democrat government, maybe?
  8. And astronomy.
  9. I thought they won't announce it, since it goes straight into the hands of the AG, does it not? Since you pointed it out, and I noticed it does say "unnamed sources", we'll have to hold our horses then.
  10. No, you do not affect the energy of a donkey when you observe it. I really don't think you should argue with swansont like you know what you talking about, when you know he's a working physicist and has likely forgotten more than you and I know.
  11. It's common knowledge and she acknowledges it. Conviction wrt to that should just be a formality; realistically. The question now is whether her lawyers and bleeding hearts can wangle her out of it.
  12. She is guilty of being a member of IS.
  13. For as long as you can resist your own vanity.
  14. It looks like Mueller's done:
  15. I never said she was. If justice is served, she *will* be charged, subject to a guilty verdict of being a a member of a prohibited organization and whatever else.
  16. Would you want a terrorist? She wouldn't be the primary carer because she'd likely be in prison.
  17. My point was she was given, and took, the freedom to behave and think as adult; with all it entails. I don't think one can pretend that she's a typical western youth and that her experience can be undone... she would need to be contained for a very long time.
  18. Right now.
  19. She's not a child, she's an adult. In islamic cuture and some others, adulothood is endowed much earlier than in the west.
  20. We have to make the best of it, with what we know.
  21. just read it on the BBC: she's automatically Bangladeshi until she's 21; she's 19.
  22. Absolutely.
  23. Absolutely, that makes it worse. I meant "trivializing" when he called it an opinion... it's a bit more than that. The connotations of "opinion" are nowhere near the mark. She can be Dutch or Bangledeshi, so, nowhere near stateless.
  24. Probably pre-wired to respond that way... except when one is deaf.
  25. Don't trivialize it.
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