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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I remember watching a BBC2 university programme years ago that said wearing sunglasses without side shields was worse than not wearing them at all. It stated that the dark lenses cause the pupil to expand, thus increasing the angle of incidence for reflected light off the inside of the lenses to reach the retina. In bright, snowy environs the risk is significantly higher for uv exposure to the eyes.
  2. Dimethylmercury doesn't have many uses because of its toxicity. It can pass through layers of protective gloves. Scientist Karen Wetterhahn was a killed by it. IIRC handling protocols were changed after her death.
  3. I recently re-joined Facebook and have been doom-scrolling endless animal videos by amateurs, and I have to say that there's more to many animals than meets the eye. Animals are not robots, completely driven by instinct.
  4. And it can only multiply.
  5. A sudden sharp transient would be harder on the ear drum, I would have thought.... like a shotgun.
  6. 165dB seems to be the starting point. 115-120db is where it will probably start hurting
  7. When the input signal is too low or confusing, the brain will make something up. That's how pareidolia works.
  8. Aye, but most politicians don't totally focus on that sector.
  9. He is firmly latched onto those that are less able cognitively and materially. Trump is totally a bottom drawer person... as we all know.
  10. Funding TFG's legal needs and the election will probably finish them off. These issues are a billion dollars each on there own. Unless someone throws a billion their or his way.
  11. Why do people get antsy about stuff. Nobody creates in a vacuum.
  12. Just looked, it hasn't been available since Safari 13. Adlock has been described as similar. Maybe worth a look?
  13. uBlock Origin is available for most platforms. Look in settings as well for more blocks. Ive used it for years.
  14. It's looking like the UK may well turn left this election.
  15. Revenge is a dish best served cold... like that.
  16. When it has a pathological effect on the individual and their carers. You make it sound benign,
  17. With Russia finally admitting it is "at war" with Ukraine, will this change anything in terms of the rules of conflict? Does that free open more options for them in what they can allow militarily with their armed forces and population?
  18. Is it part of a managed persona to be constantly cryptic? It's a waste of life "conversing" with you, how you behave. Your behaviour is fucking irritating. This is the first and last time I'm saying this.
  19. I can understand the palpable hint of getting rid of this that many HIV+ must feel right now. I contracted HCV in the 80's, through my own fault, diagnosed in 1992. They had Interferon sufficiently nailed down for me to push it below detection in 2016. This is routine now with far kinder drugs. 20-30 years is a long subjective time to wait for a long term solution.
  20. The ''demon core' still killed a few although that was through naivete of its handlers.
  21. Pthaalates probably, that softens plastics. Apparently, they migrate out over time.
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