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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. What would the damper be made of and how does it work since that part is not active, is it?
  2. Who created them? Your advanced civilisation is just a proxy for a god and suffers the same problem of infinite regression.
  3. I'm disagreeing with this: Sometimes it's a waste of thread space to post. If you think someone's being a dick, why derail the thread about it? Let the mods deal with it if they go too far. In the meantime, you can register your disapproval. Most of us don't neg rep for just being wrong. It's ok to be wrong, but it's not ok to be obstinately wrong without presenting the appropriate evidence to support ones position... that would be soapboxing.
  4. It is not conducive to thread continuity just to call someone an idiot or, more positively, to say you like something someone said. It's a slap or thumbs up... no words necessary.
  5. I know, I was looking at it more fundamentally than our macro experience; space is a platform for fields.. Within those fields there is still space.
  6. But are things really 'solid'?
  7. It is sexist. We must hurl our insults to all and sundry in an equal manner. I got belted for, quite innocently calling my brother a 'bastard': monkey see, monkey do as I had no concept of a swear word at that time. I'm very glad corporal punishment is frowned on now.
  8. So, within the confines of a body, space does not exist? I know we commonly make the distinction but is that really the case?
  9. 'Cock'', 'Knob' and 'Dick' are used here in the same way, and they refer to male genitals, so it's all fair and square gender-wise.
  10. Yeah, I'm going back 41 years.
  11. I'm sure you're right but sometimes I think it's better not to know than learn something that's not correct.
  12. Is it though. I remember being really annoyed when I went from O-level to A-level chem and was told the Bohr model was wrong. Why not just get stuck into the current theory and back track historically as required?
  13. Yes. If you fire a single electron in the two-slit experiment it will interfere with itself.
  14. Bound electrons are seen as in a standing wave configuration, not actually moving. It's only when you measure them they become discrete. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/ewav.html
  15. Everything evolves to fit the prevailing conditions and the failures fall by the wayside and disappears, so it looks like everything fits perfectly.
  16. The other way to do it is add weight to the bridge so that it the tops resonance differs from the offending note.
  17. Ahh, you mean considering all inertial factors.
  18. What's one of those? Or are you jesting?
  19. Yes, the Zionists basically said "Sod this, we want it now, even though The Messiah has not yet come" As far as I understand it, the 'home of the Jews' is wherever he turns up, which may not be Palestine. It seems to me that the Zionists hijacked Palestine because of Jesus... who is not their prophet. It seems they chose Palestine on tenuous connections through Christianity as a matter of convenience and impatience. I gleaned this reading about the Ultra Orthodox faction, who believe they shall remain a diaspora until their messiah comes. Edit: Added
  20. Yes, "Israel", as it exists, is an affront to Jewish fundamentalists who follow The Torah to the letter.
  21. Anything you say that casts any form of doubt on Israelis is taken by them as anti-Semitic and their active supporters, by default. I'm getting deja vu.
  22. To add: The glaciers accumulate mass at the highest level and basically slide down under their own weight to the warmer lower level and melt, supplying the rivers.
  23. If the glaciers (like in the Karakoram and Himalayan ranges) aren't replenished, a lot of rivers will run dry. Those mountain ranges are big condensers, if they are cold enough.
  24. You should have written: "I think/they think Ilhan Omar made an anti-Semitic remark" i.e. your opinion or someone elses... or some variation of that. I think this storm-in-a-thimble is a case of anti-Semitic paranoia.
  25. Yes, it can rather push you out of your comfort zone.
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