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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Perhaps here's a little light in the not-too-distant future: Quite telling that a Republican leader has said this.
  2. Probably, it's an avoidance strategy, taking drugs. For the period of intoxication, one doesn't have to think about prevailing personal issues. You've got the additive effects of persistent avoidance plus the long-term physiological effects on mood and memory etc to deal with as well.
  3. What you had was too strong and you are not comfortable with it anyway. Yes, it's probably the case that the majority of people that take drugs are self-medicating under the guise of 'recreational use'. I used to know a schizophrenic that would seek out hallucinogenics like LSD, which I could never understand, given his condition.
  4. Polydrug use probably causes conflicting psychological effects which might exacerbate a person that tends towards mental issues, I guess.
  5. It was implicit in this statement of yours: That explains it. If you'd had the what-was-the-usual naturally grown grass or hash, you'd have chilled out.
  6. No doubt you selected a really strong THC strain in the shop and then did it on your own... not a recipe for a relaxed evening.
  7. Edgy Boi - A lad that thinks he's cool and avant garde but isn't.
  8. Could our lives not be like the draught from the flapping of a butterfly's wings? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterfly_effect This is me being contrary to my previous post.
  9. This from Reuters yesterday:
  10. In the frame of the universe, I'll take the 'edgy boi option.
  11. That governs the behavioural trait but 'traits' in general can be things we have no control over, like physiological ones, immunity to a new lethal pathogen etc.
  12. I think the real key to successful adaptability is variation in traits because threats can be random and of such nature that intelligence is powerless.
  13. That's true, I suppose, the 'ideal' path would be for an organism, or a group of symbionts, to maximise their stay long enough to mutate into enough variations to cope with any potential adverse environments in the future.
  14. Equilibrium would depend on having all the necessary actors to fill the necessary niches, rather than just one, I would have thought; symbiosis
  15. As long as the good guys outnumber the bad guys, it's all hunky dory. Seeing as you are concerned about this stuff from your past posts, I would enlighten yourself to the benefits of your body's natural inhabitants. Try Googling: 'human microbiota'; 'gut microbiota'; 'vaginal flora'; 'human microbiome'; 'skin microbiota'. No more "germs" please.
  16. You should stop worrying about your hygiene. I'm sure it's more than adequate. All washing does is reduce the bacteria on our hands or bodies; it does not eliminate them entirely. What this means is that, even if everybody was as fastidious as yourself, there would still be bodily bacteria on everything and person we touch. The bacteria in and on our bodies is part of what we are and we just mingle them with each other. I would stop calling them 'germs' because that implies that they are all bad when they aren''t; call them what they are: bacteria. The commensal (benficial) bacteria in our bodies protects us from the harmful ones. Actually, the predominant bacteria in a vagina is Lactobacillus acidophilus and that strain is often used to make yoghurt and sours milk.
  17. A person with $50m pays nothing. A person with $51m pays 2% of $1m, or 2% on all assets over $50m up to $1bn, then it rises to 3%.
  18. Any effects on your body or mental health requires expert medical advice and we are not it. You are clearly concerned and the last thing we want to do is make it worse.
  19. Is it warm to the touch and does it have a pine smell when you rub it? If so, it's some form of tree sap resin. I think old stuff is called amber.
  20. That was Matthew Flinders*, I believe. Yes, I think it should be a mutually agreeable day between the First Nation people and settled people. * his remains have just been found in London. That's how I know. Matthew Flinders: Australia explorer's remains found in HS2 dig
  21. Aye, we Europeans don't have a lot to be proud of on the geographical discovery front.
  22. A pearler of a Republican statement from Wilbur Ross: Just Wow.
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