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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. It's not surprising. Same thing is happening in Siberia
  2. IQ tests measure how good you are at doing IQ tests. IQ tests were developed for people with severe cognitive issues and the tests helped the concerned staff assess their needs. It told them where their patients have specific problems. They weren't designed to say how brilliant you are.
  3. I'm offended because you've spelt 'metre' wrong. A 'meter' is an object that measures things.
  4. In the 70's you needed higher grades to get in to be a dentist than a doctor. A friend of mine wanted to be one but he wasn't a high-flyer at school which was necessary at the time. Regarding the OP: if you can do what is asked, you are able enough.
  5. It will most likely be gross because the amount of tax is individually assessed.
  6. Help stop getting your head kicked in by the opposing supporters.
  7. OK. I'm not very sharp today.
  8. How you deliver it determines how it will be received. How I meant it was: "She's an impressive <insert profession>.
  9. Yeah, penny dropped eventually.
  10. I thought so but wasn't sure. To my point: one is labelling her by her profession, whom, to you, was impressive in doing that.
  11. You've lost me.
  12. If you read the BBC regularly, they emphasise the fact the subjects of their articles are women. It's annoying. I think they demean women by emphasising their gender. I can see they are doing it as a means of positive discrimination but I think the effect is negative on them because it implies they are frail and need a lift. In the case of your example, she's an impressive politician.
  13. Evidence for what? That religion has not been a massive part many civilisations? You're a revisionist and have a pointed dislike of all things religion.
  14. It has probably had an influence over the millennia and given people a common focus, which contributed to social cohesion. It may not be necessary but we can't rewrite history and be in denial just because we don't like it.
  15. In UK/EU law: an embryo is up to 56 days; a foetus is 57 days to just under 6 months; at 6 months it becomes a baby and has legal status as a person.
  16. All timelines are arbitrary.since development is a continuum. Those definitions are usually legally defined based on medical consultation.
  17. That was referencing the electorate... keeping onside with the voters.
  18. Cheers. I do follow what's happening but I'm not as knowledgeable as you natives. Right. I have become aware recently that that some Dems and Republicans positions are strategic to support their political survival.
  19. Maybe you are being pedantic.
  20. Both.
  21. Right. Cheers. Is this a tactic by McConnell personally then, favouring Trump? Can the Speaker be over-ridden and a vote taken?
  22. Find evidence that he does care. Absence of that will support swansont. I put it that way because it's too easy to find stuff that shows he doesn't care.
  23. It does because, as this ship Earth is in trouble, it's negligence of a very high order. It's all about scale; what you do is a piss in the ocean compared to decisions he makes as President.
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