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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I would research archival storage products. Most paper is acidic. https://www.preservationequipment.com/Catalogue/Archival-Storage/Envelopes/Archival-Envelopes-Perma-Dur
  2. Are we feeling mortal? Eat properly, keep your stress down, engage in plenty of moderate cardiovascular exercise and hope you've got the genes for long-living. Or is that too hard?
  3. We were just mildly speculating with a concept that doesn't involve infinite regression or infinities, buy hey, this is in "Physics" and we shouldn't, so I'll shut up.
  4. We are in an epoch of the universe where the clock ticks as we know it and you can count as you do.
  5. You'd never get to this point in time because it is at the other end of the infinite past, therefore an infinite past composed of linear time as we know it is not logical... Captain.
  6. What I've read, the universe may eventually go into heat death which means basically everything will decay to the point of there being no more interactions or reactions
  7. Yes, a finite amount of time from the BB.
  8. To my way of thinking, and in cosmology generally it seems, infinities are bad and the idea of no time or non-linear time seems to remove that problem. There may be other ways to make them disappear, of course, that I haven't come across yet.
  9. Or possibly things didn't happen in the temporally linear way that we know pre-BB.
  10. The universe may have manifested in some state before time and space emerged with the BB. It's all guessing but it didn't pop out of nothing. Best to look at the BB as the beginning of a new epoch in its evolution.
  11. Women omit the "stupid" and just say "Men!".
  12. i read that members of both sides were disturbed at his departure and that he is an 'island of stability' in an erratic administration. He was a general, so couldn't be that mad.
  13. Yes, it's very disturbing that Mattis has stepped down, given that he has all round partisan support in the position, because Trump won't take his advice.
  14. There might be, it's just that we probably volunteered to send a ship to start the process. I can see us taking the lead on this, with Trump not wanting upset his Russian friend.
  15. I forgot you are American, so yeah, you might not have heard it.
  16. I bet you've heard a woman say "stupid man" or "stupid boy".
  17. I'm 56.
  18. Quite possibly, some negs are off-the-cuff reactions by lurkers passing through.
  19. Also, I think people are not showing enough slack with respect to his age. We are all at least double his age... and I'm triple.
  20. Endy clarified the situation. The question is moot.
  21. It seems even more ridiculous a country allows a president to continue with such vast control, when he's under such suspicion that the probability of him going to prison is so high,. that I'll put money on it. He's a man that going to have nothing to lose and it looks like to me he'll be a wrecking ball all the way. What's he got to lose, he'll probably spend the rest of his life in prison.
  22. Mosquitos have inhibited our invasion and destruction of the rainforests, which is a good thing. Of the two evils, mozzies are the lesser.
  23. Identifier. It's a bit much to extrapolate that as a sexist comment, especially when there's no prior history with him. This is the feminist brigade trying to maintain momentum on the back of the MeToo movement, no matter how tenuous the subject... as long as the subject is in the news it's all "good". Manufactured hysteria. I know how this going to end up... deja vu, anyone?
  24. As a lifelong lip-reader, he did say "Stupid woman". No way did he say "Stupid people"
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