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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Identifier. It's a bit much to extrapolate that as a sexist comment, especially when there's no prior history with him. This is the feminist brigade trying to maintain momentum on the back of the MeToo movement, no matter how tenuous the subject... as long as the subject is in the news it's all "good". Manufactured hysteria. I know how this going to end up... deja vu, anyone?
  2. As a lifelong lip-reader, he did say "Stupid woman". No way did he say "Stupid people"
  3. Yes, I've since read a bit and see what you mean. Can't see you beating the big boys.
  4. Cheers for explaining. I'm no mathematician but wouldn't it be like catching the stock market? I think you need to be very aware of the health of companies, track their decline in real time by some consistent parameter, then try and predict that endpoint. You'd need a massive database to follow and compute it all.
  5. When people ask for help then you go all secretive is annoying and a bit insulting because it can make people feel used. This site is about curiosity and you are stamping on it. You can't ask questions without being asked questions; that's the deal.
  6. Is the envelope archival quailty?
  7. It seems algae are adapted to many environments.
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolutionary_history_of_plants
  9. Whatever properties a plant has that can assist in its reproductive success, in any given environment, will proliferate those properties. So, you've got random changes occurring at the DNA level, via mutation, which just might happen to be beneficial to the plant''s reproductive success in the environment they grow up in. You've got lots of different possible substrate environments, competition, climates and micro-climates they need to adapt to, so that facilitates a wide variety of plants existing.
  10. The clone should be identical in potential abilities but their life path/experience will be different, so his scientific talent may not express itself the same in the clone. I imagine the clone would be very good at whatever he chooses to do.
  11. If it's not measurable it's not physics.
  12. Maybe not but you seem to have some idea of the necessary rigour in this subject and, besides, that can be an ongoing discussion in itself
  13. Change can still occur by mutations or infection resulting in endosymbiosis (mitochondria, chloroplasts etc), even if isolated.
  14. Might be worthwhile trawling through the board layouts of some existing general history forums and seeing what are useful categories to us.
  15. Implosion-type nuclear weapons do it, albeit briefly.
  16. Are you taking this because your doctor told you to? The reason I ask is because UK's NICE says your not supposed to take it for more than 7 days otherwise rebound congestion can occur. https://bnf.nice.org.uk/drug/xylometazoline-hydrochloride.html Best see your doctor.
  17. Yep, we all have to pee in the pot.
  18. It's gone. All they've got to rely on now is my androgynous photo, which should keep them guessing
  19. I don't think so either. It's not a quantifiable thing anyway.
  20. i was referring to the OP and Mr Smith, yes.
  21. The one I've used has a chart that shows a gradation of tone from yellow to red in half pH units and you check the result against that.
  22. You let it settle a bit. Have I suggested the wrong test paper?
  23. Some people just don''t know they don't know. It happens a lot
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