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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. OK. Noted. Cheers.
  2. Yes, there's no difference.
  3. Yeah, I'll go with that.
  4. Soil pH is quite dynamic and rather chasing a moving target with the crop and conditions changing it constantly. The main thing is to keep it in the range that keeps the nutrients bio-available; generally between 5.5 - 6.5, This graph gives the plant uptake of various nutrients at different pH ranges. Fatter parts of the bars show greater uptake, so you need to find the position that optimises for all nutrients. Different plant types will want slightly different biases but 6.2 would probably be the best starting position in the absence any information..
  5. There''s a huge amount of time and a huge amount of matter interacting in an orderly or predictable manner when they make contact. Don't forget that there's only a limited number of ways each type of particle can interact with another; it is not infinite. If the number of potential combinations is limited, repeatable simple molecules can occur, which can then build more complex molecules.... etc. So even though the paths of molecules may be stochastic (random), their properties are fixed, which reduces the apparent chaos with time and produces more systemic behaviour between them.
  6. You can choose gender in your profile. I don''t understand the question. It doesn''t really make any difference... it becomes apparent naturally.
  7. The BB is only the beginning of a new epoch in the universe's evolution, continuing on from a previous one.
  8. Cheers. That makes sense. Cheers. A compressible interior in a hard exterior would be equivalent to a soft case from the pov of the guitar, wouldn't it?
  9. Assume the floor is unyielding. I looked and, yes, I have asked before, in July.
  10. That's what I was thinking but many in a guitar forum I use think being built like a tank is better. The cases I use are lighter and looser fitting; the designer thinks this is better for guitars in most adverse situations.
  11. Consider identical guitars, with one in a heavy case and the other in a light case. Both cases are indestructible, the guitars are snug-fitted in a similar padded interior for this scenario. If I drop both cases from some height, which guitar will fair better in terms of experiencing the least shock? Another question: Would a loose fit or a tight fit be better in this scenario, given the cases are otherwise the same?
  12. Package down-sizing happens here. Concerning pre-packed MW meals here, I don't think they adulterate them with as many preservatives now, as they seem to taste as one would make them at home. It's a selling point that they don't mess about so much, and they advertise that. The down side is that they don't keep as long as they used to.
  13. That's true for the US. I think I read recently the US wanted us to do same so that they can export to the UK.
  14. You don't like meals that are more 'germ-free'?
  15. It's not pure chance, like rolling dice. There are elements of chance, like the probability of collision and, hence, a reaction occurring. What actually happens when certain atoms/molecules collide is predetermined and not chance.
  16. I can't be arsed with you. Nothing sticks to you, does it?
  17. I knew you'd pull that one and the information quoted was perfectly sufficient to rebut your ignorance. There is a vaccine... Its efficacy is irrelevant.
  18. I wonder how many antivaxers wouldn't have an anti-malarial jab before holidaying in Africa.
  19. They are distinct subjects now, whereas in Newton's time philosophy had a much greater say.
  20. This is true. If they had been from anywhere else then my position would stand. She was allegedly trying to shift US stuff from within US. I suppose that kills my part of the question on the Korean. You mean Trump?
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