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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I think, if life wasn't an emergent phenomena, we'd have worked it out by now by simply reverse engineering the chemistry and physics of it but, unfortunately, 2+2 makes 5.
  2. What do you call it: The Scratched Record Hypothesis?
  3. Yeah, if an led source is your mainstay ambient evening light, then CRI probably matters much more.
  4. That'll be me.
  5. One other thing you can check is what she has starting up. Right-click taskbar > Click Task Manager > Select Startup Tab > Disable everything except Windows Defender > Restart. This doesn't disable programs, it just prevents them from starting.
  6. Usable ideas develop from existing knowledge, not in a vacuum. Anything else is science fiction.
  7. Try adwcleaner. It's for getting rid of adware. Run it then follow the prompts then restart. It will give you a log after. Do it in your wife's account. https://www.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner/
  8. At least we agree on the right course of action for him. I was taking exception to you calling computer-naive people 'idiots' when i wrote that. Moon: to reset your pc, type 'reset' in the search box in the taskbar of of your pc. Click on the magnifying glass then type 'reset'. click on the 'Reset your pc' link then click on 'Get Started'. You will have the option to save your stuff. After it's done there will be updates to do but Windows should handle them.
  9. That includes 99+% of users, so what you say is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard. Moon. save your stuff then reinstall your computer. It's the only way to have peace of mind and W10 makes it a lot easier now. It will save your stuff but it's best to do a separate save as well in casesomething goes wrong.
  10. I don't think it's ransomware, as it encrypts your PC. I would go to Bleeping Computer Here for assistance.
  11. In quantum terms, those vibrations DrP mentions are described as 'phonons'.
  12. According to Reuters, this has likely been planned well in advance of the current issues; probably months.
  13. The sea of Azov is not solely Russian, so I don't know where you are coming from.
  14. I'm overweight but ok.
  15. When most people are overweight, it becomes the 'new normal', so nobody feels they have to do anything. I'll be sure not to put on my spandex onesie when you're around.
  16. It highlights the problem.
  17. This is what is making people wet their pants and Putin is exploiting it handsomely. Time to man up.
  18. He and his acolytes don't want them..
  19. I can picture it hacking with those teeth on my dead body, like a pick axe going "Nom Nom..."
  20. Yeah, that would help as well. The general idea being that we are active in the area.
  21. Put a symbolic amount of NATO assets in Ukraine, to start. Not enough to be an immediate threat to Russia but enough to to say "We are here and watching, and we will defend our ally". If it was me, I'd have a few thousand "volunteers" there, as i said earlier, decked out in unmarked clothes. The lesson there is that if he wants play that game, we can too. We need to get savvy and involved in hybrid warfare. The days of fighting in a field are over.
  22. I didn't know they had teeth. I've handled probably millions of them whilst fishing.
  23. A maggot!
  24. Yes, this is the other part of America we are seeing now.
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