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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Many vaccines with it in have up to a 0.5mg aluminium adjuvant. Breast fed infants ingest about 7mg; 14 times what's in vaccines. If you want the list of Aluminium amounts in each vaccine click the link above.
  2. From Reuters:
  3. That was the one that was cited most often, that I saw when it was all the rage. If you care about your children, you'll get them vaccinated; inaction is pure negligence, unless medically advised not to do so. Those people that can't have it need protecting by those people that can have it..Immunisation is one of those things where we all have to be in it together for it to be effective in protecting each other.
  4. You're treating someone as like a Galileo because they went against the consensus.
  5. This is the Galileo Gambit.
  6. Right. I just found newspaper website called the "The Daily Iowegian", so it's probably that one.
  7. I thought you were a Texan.
  8. The whole anti-vaxxer thing stems from an erroneous study done in the UK.
  9. Yes, affluence also means more pollution per capita. I was just looking at population growth.
  10. The point was that it's affluence that largely determines population size because the child survival rate improves.
  11. Population reduction comes naturally with increasing affluence. I read the other day that half the world's countries are going into, or have gone into, negative growth. We need to teach children that the world's resources need to be shared, so that the global population can come down, as well as reduce conflict in general.
  12. QM might be false because it may not be a complete description of nature in some future analysis, but it is useful right now. I think it is a matter of principle towards always keeping an open mind that many scientists avoid saying something is 'the truth'.
  13. I ended up free hand grinding it on the grinder again. I just took my time. I was rushing first time.
  14. Their behaviour is a precursor to it.
  15. It doesn't matter. What matters is that they are useful today. Scientific theories are not about truth, they are about usefulness. Todays facts may not be as useful in the future because they have subsequently found facts that are even more useful. What it usually means is that modern facts cover/explain a wider range of situations. For example, Newtons gravity has been supplanted by General Relativity but it will still get you to the Moon. What GR offers is greater usefulness on top of being able to get to the Moon.
  16. Appeal to Authority is when someone uses their authority in one field in another unrelated field.
  17. On the Reuters website, very frequently, one reads: " Trump raged/moaned on Twitter that... blah, blah, blah... with no evidence".
  18. Can I suggest that all posts from Menan's first are removed because they are OT and spoil the thread for Dima.
  19. Aye, we are used to such confrontations.
  20. Although I understand your position, I don't think your language will endear anybody of a religious persuasion that may be receptive to look into the scientific approach.
  21. Some Muslim he is.
  22. The outcome of the universe wasn't pre-ordained. The only 'instructions' were in the form of the properties of the primordial elements/phenomena, and how they were expressed in the form of structures just occurred randomly. If the Big Bang started again, the universe may well have looked totally different. Some structures gained an advantage over others because they were in the right place at the right time and were able to proliferate.... this is the essence of evolution.
  23. Some people need to learn to exercise self-censorship; see what you want to see and ignore the rest. "But I can''t because it's there!"
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