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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Worked out ok then for that.
  2. Will this stop the Russian collusion investigation?
  3. Jeff Sessions has just resigned at Trump's request.
  4. Just thinking aloud: If you knew the luminosity of the source, couldn't you work with the inverse square law but reverse it to get the distance?
  5. Reuters says they are projected to pick up 30+.
  6. I think the result was OK.The Dems at least have some teeth now for issues. On reflection, the Dems shouldn't have made such a fuss of the Kavanaugh appointment process because it was a slam dunk that he was in and all the pushback did was energise the Republican vote to start them off on the midterms.
  7. Knowing is having high confidence
  8. You're asking for too much. You need to sit down and start learning magnetism from scratch
  9. Yes.
  10. They ought to start doing the same with food: "Contents: Sodium chloride, high risk of hypertensive events; Saccharose; α-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D-fructofuranoside; morbid obesity, non-alcolic steatohepatis...."
  11. Litigation-wary. I suppose, this is understandable when you look at the glyphosphate litigation and the ridiculously huge sums involved for that one complaint and others waiting in line for their turn.
  12. Does that suggest Republicans there are fired up or everyone there?
  13. So, how's the result looking now from the other side of the pond?
  14. Disclaimer: I'm not a chemist. I read a bit. In most situations, Pb will lose two electrons but can do four covalent bonds in other reaction types. It has an inert pair in the outer shell which you could Google. In short, it is because it is not exclusively one or the other; it has both those charges. https://chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/49296/bond-type-of-lead-metallic-or-network-covalent
  15. I wouldn't worry about it. How many PVC items have you handled in in your life? It's what makes plastic bendy. California goes OTT on every substance. Silly really because if you cry "Wolf! about everything, nobody will listen.
  16. Pistols at dawn then.
  17. I should take time out guys from this for a bit.
  18. Philisophy with no respect for science is just vacuous.
  19. Why are you conflating the scientific method with religion?. One is based on evidence and the other is based on faith.
  20. They are not scientists then. An electron is not composed of quarks; it is elementary.
  21. Yes, interesting. That splits it down to different forms.
  22. I shall steal that. I try to speak in the 'language' of the listener when explaining something. There's no point in speaking Mandarin to someone that doesn't understand it... it's a waste of breath.
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