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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Some are creeping towards becoming propaganda outlets. Even if the motive/agenda is noble and humanitarian, or I just agree with its position, it's not good for a news outlet's credibility and trustworthiness. They should not take sides in the main news sections.
  2. I don't watch CNN; I just read BBC, Reuters and Japan Times daily. I'm getting increasing disenchanted with the BBC though because it has some pretty obvious agendas, which it seeks to promote with quite unseemly enthusiasm. I like neutrality.
  3. I'll go all in with you here: Trump is an all out racist and doesn't want people from "shithole countries".
  4. If one attacks the scientific consensus, the onus is on the attacker to support their position, not the other way round. This is the standard expectation in science and discourse here..
  5. I don't think you'll be interested in any answer because you've already made up your mind.
  6. So, why didn't you post about that, as an opposing theory to Darwin instead of just knocking his tree?
  7. But it would explain your antagonism. Experience over the last 10 years here caused me to suspect. One gets this deja vu feeling... This subject is Arete's day job.
  8. Darwin described descent with modification, which the tree illustrates, and those subjects/discipines exploit that principle.
  9. Have a chew on this: http://www.talkorigins.org/indexcc/CA/CA215.html
  10. So, what''s your beef? If one is looking to see how something evolved then it's essential. It has given researchers a blueprint in where to search for solutions by classifying genetic progressions. If you haven't got a working theory you can't make predictions.
  11. Gamma rays from radioactivity.
  12. Totally inadequate, I think and you will just be providing a source of mould and moisture...as beautiful as moss is. Vapours are coming off everything in the room, which will be natural off-gassing and the byproducts of micro-organisms, like bacteria and mould. The air in the room really needs to be changed periodically with new air to exhaust those vapours/smells away. If you must leave it closed then look into the fan-assisted versions of negative ion generators and ozone generators. You should not be in the room whilst it's on as it can cause breathing problems. The ozone or negative ions are very reactive and will react with your moist membranes if you hang around too long with it on. They don't last long at all once it's off. You probably won't need to do it all the time... just when it starts to get fusty again. Research them. Make sure it is powerful enough to process the volume of your room.
  13. Most of them are, apparently. I searched for 'gastrointestinal headache'. Here's one: Gastrointestinal Headache; a Narrative Review
  14. I use Reuters, which is Canadian. I think it would suit you better. It's not emotive or hyperbolic. https://www.reuters.com.
  15. It can be caused by gastrointestinal issues like indigestion, so it''s not necessarily obvious. Only a doc can tell you.
  16. All along the horizontal I would think because they would just keep adding porous pipes as the venture further to keep the supply going. https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/show_picture.pl?l=english&rais=1&oiu=https%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fcommons%2Fa%2Fad%2FHydroFrac2.svg&sp=a357db21d2291694b2800aefa73d2fa6
  17. And they are doing their best to prevent those opposing doing so.
  18. I agree that his MO is pernicious. As an example of more pressing priority, Republicans are trying to make it as difficult as possible for that demographic that is likely to vote Dem to vote at all in this mid-term. In Dodge City, they moved the polling station 4 miles further away from the majority Hispanic population. It is stuff like this that needs to be acted against. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-suppression/ahead-of-u-s-elections-fears-of-voter-suppression-and-efforts-to-fight-back-idUSKCN1N64G0
  19. What JC is saying is that it's a waste of focus looking for more lies. By now, one should know that tap of shit is running freely without looking for any more. It's a distraction from what could be done to stop it.
  20. Considering what it costs to set up to manufacture a specific CPU, I doubt there's much trial and error.
  21. A bomb is usually just a single transient peak of air pressure.
  22. Where gravity is weak enough for dark energy to prevail, the space between superclusters of galaxies is increasing. This increase in distance results in a net expansion of the universe. It is not occurring like an explosion, with a leading on the outside. Space (volume) is created between the superclusters.
  23. Yes, I suppoose that harks the question: Does true randomness exist... but that's another discussion. I was looking at it superficially really.
  24. I think you are, it's just a matter of degree whether it's pathological or not and, I suppose, I used the name of a disorder with that characteristic as a means to give a name to that tendency. You called it "patternicity" which is fine I think as well. Is a 'random pattern' an oxymoron.?
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