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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. It sounds a bit like OCPD (Obsessive compulsive personality disorder) but it's only a problem if it detrimentally affects your life and relationships. My mother is like this and I can't stand her behaviour anymore... it's like being with a robot. If you tick along ok, it's not a problem I would dwell on. People naturally fall on a spectrum from non-pathological orderliness to disorderliness.
  2. Models are giving you quantitative data. The knowledge is embedded in the relationships that they manipulate. If all screws were slotted then your pozi screwdriver would be 'false'.
  3. He was fair in his contempt for everybody by distributing it equally.
  4. That's what scientific models do: describe salient relationships and ignore the rest. They are necessarily incomplete. They are a map of the territory and not the territory itself. The main motive for producing a model is that it can be usefully used; just like a London Underground map. Whether it is true in every detail is superfluous.
  5. A map, like a model, contains some information but not all of it.
  6. If Trump didn't lie, he wouldn't be Trump. Trump and the truth should never be spoken of in the same breath.
  7. HPV, and many others, have strategies that can evade the body's immune system and therefore requires manufactured strategies. You can read how HPV does this by clicking this link. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3856406/ This is the abstract:
  8. Cheers. What a mess. it seems so much simpler to just pay a national Insurance and get on with your life, like we do. i don't think I've read of any significant gripes from the UK populace about the cost of national insurance.
  9. Why can't Medicare negotiate prices?
  10. I don't see the point misquoting because people can just look at the original to see if it's been taken out of context.
  11. If there is any general difference it will be tied to diet or practices, I would think.
  12. Different ethnicities are not different species.
  13. History is littered with 'truths' that turned out to be not. What would you compare it with when you have no reference?
  14. If science claimed it was searching for truth and then declared it had found it, it would cease to function with an open mind. It would have all the limitations of a religion.
  15. It's got something to do with empathy.
  16. "Too many cooks spoil the broth"
  17. This regards non-ss steels. Why do some steels only rust very superficially with a thin layer and others rust in a fluffy manner and rust right through? Is it the manner in which they are made/moulded or the composition or both?
  18. Naively, one initially tends to be instinctively defensive in the face of meeting someone different to our expectations.
  19. To maximize efficacy you want to create an 'infection' site where the antigen signal from the vaccine is concentrated enough for long enough to initiate an immune response. If you applied it IV the standard vaccine dose will be diluted too quickly. You could increase the dose for it to work but that would increase the chance of an adverse event and make it unnecessarily expensive. In short, the vaccine concentration will dilute too quickly doing it IV.
  20. Keep your hands off yourself because it's only for procreation and going to the toilet.
  21. @DrP I think this arrangement on the right might suit you for fossil cleaning:
  22. A standard drill is too slow for serious rust removal and not nice to hold in that configuration. I do have those options with electric and battery drills. Cheers.
  23. You could super glue the tape on to prevent slipping.
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