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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Yes, that should work with a chuck but a collet arrangement hasn't got the gap to accommodate it.
  2. If it's still a problem, maybe you could look to lightly knurling or texturising the surface of the shank to help grip.
  3. Yep, an angle grinder is all or nothing. First time I put a flat brush on it, that's disc shaped, I wasn't holding it firmly enough and was cleaning the back edge of a metal plate, it kicked, tore a long hole in my jeans with some nice bloody scratches underneath. I'm used to it now but I think it's still too fierce. Awesome rust remover though. That die grinder will be far too big and clumsy for your activity. It's about a foot long. Like holding an angle grinder.. You want something a lot slimmer, don't you? Have you thought about taking off the collet section and putting a small chuck on it? Is this too big?: https://www.ebay.com/itm/220V-240W-Electric-Mini-Die-Drill-Grinder-5-Variable-Speed-Power-Rotary-Tool-New/302803529968?hash=item46807f30f0:g:n-oAAOSwkbdbSBzc:rk:5:pf:0 This holds up to 6mm. I'm going to get one of these. Problem solved. Cheers guys.
  4. I''ve got a dremel and max is 3mm. This tool is a 750w die grinder. https://www.amazon.com/Anesty-Electric-Straight-Handheld-Grinding/dp/B07BN8CHMQ See link for pic. I use a brush on an angle grinder but it's a bit too powerful and not as controllable or variable as a die grinder. it's safer as well because it spins perpendicular to your position sobits fly away from you . With an angle grinder it's easy to have it kick back at you.
  5. That's a thought. Cheers.
  6. The shank on this brush is 1/4" (6.35mm) and I want to reduce it to 6mm. Would using a 6mm die be the simplest/cheapest way or would the metal be too hard? It doesn't matter about it having a thread. I have a rotary tool that only takes 6mm bits. I've tried manually grinding one on a grinder but it was a poor job and quite off-centre. I've also tried buying 6mm bits twice but they are 1/4", despite the fact they say they are 6mm.
  7. I think because, within the science forums, facts are referenceable and there is clearer consensus, but in politics it's nearly all personal opinion.
  8. I think your sometimes dispassionate detachment irks people. Most people attach some morality i.e. right or wrong to things or they take a side.
  9. Excess salt makes you prone to high blood pressure and sugar is what piles on the belly (visceral) fat.
  10. Try this: A woman drank half a bottle of vodka whilst holding her baby and she fell asleep. She suffocated the baby. If she was convicted of manslaughter and the minimum was 5 years, she'd have got five years. The judge gave her two years suspended for two years because she was normally a good mother and would have to live with her actions for the rest of her life. What would a mandatory minimum sentence have achieved? Or a woman that shot her boyfriend after the most severe abuse and convicted of murder. The sentence is mandatory death for murder but in this instance there are extenuating circumstances which justifies incarceration rather than death. Britain was like this just before the abolition of the death penalty.
  11. Yes, it does because it might be set too high for some cases.
  12. Yes, it is necessary for sentences to be meted out according to the particular circumstances of the case and prior history of the defendant.
  13. Yes. I would stick with low impact activities, like swimming, walking briskly and cycling. There is a cost in running in terms of skeletal shock on hard surfaces. It might be worthwhile for competitive runners who enjoy it. Do them at a rate that raises your breathing and heart rate that you can handle. As time goes on, you'll be able to do them further and faster; build it up methodically. If you take on walking or cycling, make it a mission. For example, I wanted to get fitter and I made myself cycle 15 miles to the next town to get my money when I needed it. It could be walking a mile or two to get a cup of coffee. Stuff like that. Losing weight is mostly about changing your attitude to how you get about. If you have a car, ask yourself "Could I walk or bike there instead?"
  14. It's best to just accept it as an axiom and that it is the way nature behaves.
  15. From Public Heath England (NHS) - 2018 How long have people smoked and how many have had popcorn lung?
  16. Probably too technical that the OP can't see it.
  17. Yes, it's an active ingredient in hand wipes. The water actually improves it's efficacy in denaturing the bacterial membranes as well.
  18. I think, as you get older, you have other interests and when you need a fix of music, you stick with the familiar because you know it will give you what you want.
  19. So, you are saying the SOL, or c, is that because it is set by the limits of the magnetic and electrical permittivity of free space?
  20. A case of "How many years have you got..?"
  21. Relative to smoking there are few detriments to vaping. Vaping is about harm reduction not harm elimination. The UK NHS supports it as a gateway out of smoking. If it's helping you stay off the ciggies, carry on
  22. Interesting Janus. Cheers.
  23. When did you transmogrify from neophyte to know all?
  24. What's wrong with that: religious people do see it as 'perfect'. I'm afraid it's lost on me. : Sometimes you need to do that to sufficiently contrast subtle nuances.
  25. LOL! Too early for me but the stuff I like does evolve from that. More like this:
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