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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. To the neggers: Can we stop with this indiscriminate negging just because he doesn't agree with you? It's not like he's being an arsehole.
  2. Yes ,the glaciers are revealing new bodies, of mountaineers and skiers quite frequently now with them melting. George Mallory's body, who died climbing Everest in 1924 was discovered last year.
  3. Perhaps part of the problem is having a written constitution, which tends to set much in stone and inhibits progress in evolving as a society through the wisdom of ongoing experience. It bemuses me when people talk of the "Founding Fathers" in re such reverential tones and what they decided shall be forevermore. I suspect many hang on to the bits that currently suit them, rather than wholeheartedly believing in all the principles. IIRC in the UK, Labour won the popular vote but didn't win the election because they didn't win the seats. Gerrymandering is probably a problem here as much as in the US. One thing that could be looked into is finding a fair way to set the county/state lines for election purposes; frequently buggering about with them on a partisan basis is not on really.
  4. You're a rare bird you are in becoming atheist so late in ones life. You are no stuck-the-mud.
  5. If you notice, there's a notable divide between the US citizens here and those of us outside it. I suppose our relative detachment exists because we aren't personally involved in it but we do care about the situation.
  6. I don't either, and nor do you. The subject of intelligence is touched upon periodically with definitions always turning out fuzzy and vague.
  7. Did you not see the operative word 'aspired'? You are a sod for doing this.,
  8. I'm not hopeful at all. For starters, Trump will still be at the helm for another 2 years, at least, and there will be lots to reverse from his policies which are currently being added.
  9. You can't weigh guilt or innocence in any particular case based on historical statistics. It has to be based on the evidence presented for that case.
  10. I was expressing the point that, it seems, that there is a principle that one, as a SC judge, is not seen as political. I did say at the time it was understandable and the Democrats did have an agenda, to which he directly responded to.
  11. I did note that Kavanaugh expressly aspired to being apolitical in his judgements. I've read several judges express this view. It seemed to me that it is not desirable to be seen to be political in their judgements;.
  12. An expression of partisanship, perhaps? I've neutralized a few that don't seem justified. I never dish them out for disagreement; everyone is entitled to express their position, as long as it''s done in a civil manner.
  13. The vast majority will carry on regardless and everybody will find out the hard way.
  14. Do you want to be in a position to buy your friends; to be wanted for what you have rather than who you are?
  15. Yes, in most situations one gets a whiff for some seconds.
  16. #MeToo Sensei is talking about industrial exposure though.
  17. Yes, interesting the way those two women filled that guy's space after asking him to leave.
  18. Jupiter is short on the necessary hydrogen mass by about 100x. I would think the gas cloud supplying Jupiter depleted before it reached the required size.
  19. I looked up Loricifera to familiarize myself and found this lovely picture:
  20. Yeah, this is another thread but, hopefully, it will suffice for me to say that life has taught me that this is a hopeless dream and most people are 'islands', out for themselves. I started life loving the world.... my approach is based much more on the way the world is and not as might it be.
  21. With your own family, you will take that risk because you have faith in them.
  22. You have to look at each case on its merits; not let the broader picture influence your position on it. This particular case has been highly confounded by political motives on all sides, so is really an exception.
  23. IF something is still around when there are no observers then it can be said "to exist".
  24. What use does it serve to agonize over the unknowable?
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